Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Need for Employee Counseling Essays -- Business Management Studies

The Need for Employee CounselingEmployees ar the most valuable asset the come with has. Withoutemployees the company is just bricks and walls and pieces of iron andsteel. Employees are the unrivalleds that bring the place alive, they causethe activity and they are responsible for output. Though today all ofus take aim been influenced by the age of information technology andautomation, there is no company that can claim that it can make it onits own without employees. In incident today more than ever it isnecessary for organizations to realize that an employee is veryvaluable and losing an employee is a resource lost.Having said as much, we see that in actual reading dealing withemployees at times is the worst nightmare of any manager. Employee transaction is gaining momentum as time goes by but there is no onescientific formula that takes care of all. This is because eachorganization is different as is each employee.The problems that arise can generically be attributed to the f ollowingreasons Poor employee relations Absence of employee counseling Poor or no employee coachingThe focus of this report is on these three functional areas and eachwill be discussed separately.Employee RelationsThe Importance of Employee RelationsWorking with employees requires an understanding of what actuallymakes the employee function. Satisfying monetary needs does not have along lasting impact. Employees need to be kept informed and must beprovided with an opportunity to raise suggestions and voice theircomplains. Otherwise employees are bound to feel dissatisfied andalienated. The Employee Relations (ER) department essentially takes careof the companys communication program, its Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP) and its employee recognition program. Effective employeemanagement is the key to having favorable employee relations, which inturn is necessary for retaining talented and productive employees. habitual deficiencies and hindrances in the way of effective employeerela tionsFor most part, managers say that they hate managing people and itsthe most difficult part of their job. This is becausea) they have not authoritative formal training on how to manage peopleb) they get little or no support from employee relations and human resource people.Most managers case at Human Resource (HR) and ER for help. However HRin most organizations is th... ... employees otherwise it will be difficult to grow.Difficult people are necessary as they help us remain on our toes andbring to the work environment the dynamism that is necessary.BibliographyPeterson, Bert Role of Employee Relations Today., pp.1-5.Peterson, Bert Fear- A Management Style., pp.1-4.Peyser, horny The Necessity of Difficult People. Exploration Hall,, pp.1-2.Cairnes, Margot Building self-confidence should be strategic priority., pp.1-2.Employee Assistance Program Counselling Service., pp.1-3.Counseling Se rvice., pp.1-2.The Laypersons Guide to Counselor Ethics What You Should notice About the Ethical Practice of Professional, pp.1-2.7 Ways To Beat The Blues., pp.1Atkinson, William Wellness, Employee Assistance ProgramsInvestments, Not Costs., pp.1-6Farr, John Problem Employees How do managers decide how and when to deal with piteous employee performance?, pp.1-7The Future of Electronic Counselling., pp.1-2

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