Friday, May 17, 2019
Antigone: an Assessment of Antigone’s and Creon Essay
How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed by means of the interactive oral? after(prenominal) taking part in the interactive oral presentation carried out by Sonias group, I now believe that I have gained a much greater understanding of the play Antig iodine. Themes commented on by the presentation were women, religion and tragedy further examining their place in society at the term the play was written by assembly lineing it to society today. Obstacles hindering my understanding of the play, including its time and setting, have been removed. subsequently comparing so vividly the society of Ancient Greece and that of the one I live in, I rear end now em styleize with Antigone and the rest of the roles in the play, consequently broadening my understanding of the hard times that they had to endure. many of the issues regarding women, religion and politics in the untaught during the period were ob maked in Sophocles Antigone, clear ly displaying their importance. The contemporary issues that molded the play deserve further exploration.Womens roles in ancient Greek society were shockingly divergent in comparison to that of today. out front the presentation, I was awargon of some differences between their society and ours but I was unaware that they were so extreme. Although she seems extremely negative and erratic, Ismene was shown to be a trinitying example of a charr at the time the first difference between their society and ours. Although she is elevated in society she doesnt hear about(predicate) anything important No one has told me anything, Antigone, I have heard nothing Before the presentation, the irrelevant positions of women were unknown to me. As well as seen to be worthless, women were in any case presented as creation a negative influence on men Dont let any woman comprehend you was Creons advice to Haemon, displaying the general consensus on women. We examined Creons motives, prospecti ng that if Antigone werent a woman, would the punishment be the same?another(prenominal) important theme that was brought to my attention during the interactive oral presentation was that of religion. The religious laws in this time and country were incredibly significant. This societys view on religion is a major influence in the play Antigone. It would have affected how the people in the country (the characters in the play) acted and what they thought, a large contrast to today. The themes examined by Antigone would have been incredibly shocking to the original listening as they were the social norms. After being informed, I was then able to make connections in the text, as to why certain things were said and insinuated about being rewarded in the after heart and why specific acts were committed all under the influence of religion. precedent to the presentation, I was on the whole uninformed as to the religion and many other cultural aspects of Ancient Greece.Antigone An judg ing of Antigones and Creons Deeply Held Beliefs and Views On Familial and State ResponsibilitiesIn his play Antigone, Sophocles explores the ethical lawfulness of familial and state ties through the opposing viewpoints and beliefs of the of import characters, Antigone and Creon. By pitching these two individuals against apiece other, Sophocles excessively successfully reveals the raw and multi-faceted character of kind-heartedness. The tragic consequences that conclude Antigone emphasize the deadly differences between each characters views on the unwritten duty towards family and the binding laws of the city-state, a conflict that would very potential be less of an issue in modern society. Sophocles promotes Antigones character, as she is the traditional protagonist of the play. By doing so, Sophocles succeeds in building the au stallnces compassion towards her.The audience is influenced therefore, through this empathy created towards Antigone, to view Creons ethical actions a s being less moral than her own. However, it must be added that Creons points of view and actions can nevertheless also be scarcelyified. By studying the destiny of each character, and how each of their fates come to pass, one can retrieve a clearer understanding of how and why Sophocles influences the audience into favoring Antigone and her domestic role, rather than Creon and his cold inflexibility. The contrasting views and principles that drive each character deserve assessment as the opposing passions driving each of them, lead to the plays tragic, dramatic and poignant conclusion.Sophocles brings to life the characters of Antigone and Creon, developing for each, a sense of responsibility and a set of morals, which collide dramatically with the opposite characters. By pitting these two characters against one another, Sophocles not only successfully contrasts the ethical views of each, but also cleverly exposes the true face of humanity. Antigone is placed as both lead charac ter and heroine of the play, as she holds a domestic, reasoned and to a greater extent(prenominal) have a bun in the ovenable stance any audience would see her as heroine. A.E. Haigh, author of An analysis of the play by Sophocles The Tragic Drama of the Greeks clearly states that Antigone lives a more familial motivated lifestyle, saying, Antigone, however, seems to have been of a more domestic type.1 Antigones resilient, and somewhat egotistical, popular opinion of responsibility toward family is what drives her to publicly violate Creons new decree and to question his judgment on, and knowledge of, churchman law.Antigone does this without question, so deep is her respect of the gods over the state. She clearly feels more obligated towards her religious responsibilities and ties than anything else. This somewhat resistive character believes that the gods alone determine her fate she will do whatever is necessary to appease them. I shall die in the knowledge that I have act ed justly. What greater satis occurrenceion than that We have too teentsy time to waste it on men, and the laws they make. The approval of the dead is everlasting, and I shall bask in it as I lie among them.2. Here Antigones use of language shocks the audience as she has clearly prioritized her existence in accepting death and rejecting mortal life.This strong and deep held belief drives Antigone to stand by her familial responsibilities with steely determination and to perform the burial rights for her deceased brother that were callously denied him by Creon. Her acceptance of death shocks the audience as it almost seems as if she desires it. She remains certain throughout the play that the gods will reward her idol worship and her heroic actions in the afterlife. Although she says differently, it appears that Antigone also strives for public acclaim in Thebes. When Ismene mentions that she wont inform anyone of Antigones plans, Antigone responds strongly, Dont you dare You mus t tell every carcass, shout it in the streets. This rebellious response from Antigone seems to omen that her actions are not only divinely, but also somewhat egotistically motivated.The second central character, Creon, shares Antigones determinism in abiding by principles and beliefs. However, contrary to Antigone, Creon remains certain that humans can in fact dictate the moral laws of society and that the state should and can handle its own matters by asking, Is it likely, remotely likely that the gods will think twice over that stinking pile of meat? Rather than fearing the immortal gods and their unwritten laws, Creon strives to uphold those of man and of state. His stubborn punishment of Antigone, a woman whose only desire is to bury her brother, shows a lack of respect and contempt for all family values and ties. Although Creon could justify his actions as being those required of a king, it is evident that they are too extreme. G.H. Gellie in Sophocles A Reading states, He rem inds us repeatedly of the carnal nastiness of the bodys exposure We are made to feel in our stomachs that this is no right smart to treat the body of a human being.3 Any empathy that the audience may have felt towards Creon quickly vanishes at this point in the play. However, this is somewhat redressed later when, ironically he loses his family members his wife and son. Throughout Antigone, Creon appears to be otiose to grasp the key traits of ruling and living in an ethical society. This is evident when he states, Ive just seen her inside in fury, not like someone in full control of her senses. The heart of one who weaves wickedness in darkness is usually convicted beforehand. I, for my part, hate anyone caught in the act who tries to beautify his crimes thereupon.2 Statements of this nature show Creons cold and callous assessments of the morally upright Antigone the effect on the audience is unadorned One can feel nothing but disdain for such a harsh and unfeeling character.I t is Creons own rules and regulations that publicly expose his apparent lack of respect for family values and duties. This is evident when he introduces his new decree, stating that Polynices cannot be buried. Creons secondary flaw is that he continually acts on his own self interest. His motivations are driven by his selfishness and not by the opinions or interest of his people. Egotistical traits such as these are neither honorable nor wise for a successful ruler. Creons son, Haemon, challenges his father, informing him that he neglects to serve the people of Thebes and fails to pay attention to their cries. He argues, How the city weeps for this girl, says shes the least worthy of all women to die so badly for such noble deeds.2 Creon responds, with an outrageous outburst, displaying his arrogance through his strong views. He asks, The city will tell me how I ought to rule it? Isnt the city thought to be her rulers?2 His blatantly conceited claims, coupled with his unconcealed disregard for fair judgment, build strain towards a seemingly inevitable clash with Antigone, who is filled with equal tenacity but whose views are diametrically opposed to his.The viewpoints of each character can be interpreted as quite ironic and at odds Although Antigone strives to defend family values by violating the states laws, she remains a prominent and performance member of Theban society. Likewise, even though Creon remains a loving husband and father, his ability to completely disregard familial ties in support of state laws is shocking. As the two are directly opposed, it is fire to see how the characters cope in the same culture. Antigone and Creon are of such determined characters, that the irony considering each of their particular(a) devotions to family and state becomes even more alarming.Antigone appears the most ethical of the two as she is willing to risk her life over her decision to uphold family rights Creon can also appear morally just, because, as king , he is motivated solely by his duty to serve Thebes. It could also be argued that neither Creon nor Antigone are wrong in their convictions they are two sides that are simply conflicting. As the two protagonists stubbornly remain true to their late held beliefs and responsibilities, they are driven to make decisions that ultimately lead to their mutual destruction. This destruction in itself demonstrates the ethical validations of both Antigones and Creons opposing characters.As well as highlighting the problems with society at that time, Sophocles through the characters of Antigone and Creon, reveals the true face of humanity, in all its ugliness. Sophocles cleverly manipulates the emotions of his audience in order to expose humanitys true nature. G.H. Gellie identifies the depth of the audiences feelings when he says that we feel this response in our stomachs3 Our response is almost instinctive we cannot help but react deeply in this way. Sophocles successfully plays with our em otions and makes us feel outraged. Although Creons flaws reflect the flaws of humanity, Antigone herself is not without flaws. Like her king, Antigone demonstrates strong opinions and, at times, acts in her own interest. She turbulently defies the states dominance over domestic values.These obstinate principles are what lead Antigone down the path of destruction, glorified nonetheless. Sophocles portrays Antigones reasons, as being nobler than Creons who is profoundly selfish and possesses a frightening pertinacity to carry out his brutal deed. Tiresias, another character, provides an omen when he sternly warns king to be more understanding and to consider the impact of what he is doing, You dont protect it when you trample the honors of the gods2 Haemon and the chorus line also warn the king, impartially informing him that his actions may not be as ethical as he imagines they are.Each characters warnings are disregarded, amid wild accusations of bribery and foul play. Consequentl y, the audience is back up to feel less sympathy for Creon than they do for Antigone, a woman whose only desire is to bury her kill brother. Antigone is prepared to lose her life trying to uphold family values and feels she has no choice but to accept her fate. On the other hand, after pleas from numerous characters, Creon repeatedly fails to see sense and strives to avoid his dark fate.To conclude, in the play Antigone, the catastrophic conflict of beliefs that occurred between family and state in ancient Thebes is carefully demonstrated in the disastrous events that take place. Questions of morality and duty are challenged throughout the play as the two central characters, Antigone and Creon, clash violently in their battle to uphold the views they so diligently and resolutely stand behind. The views and deeply held beliefs of Antigone and Creon are of key significance in the play they are what drive the plot to its tragic conclusion. However, they are not simply the driving for ce of the play, but the vehicle through which Sophocles exposes the many facets of humanity its peach tree and its ugliness. Through the tragic events that conclude the story, Sophocles was likely indicating that an amalgamation of the two characters contrasting approaches would be the best way to operate in ancient Greek society.Bibliography1. An analysis of the play by Sophocles The Tragic Drama of the Greeks A.E. Haigh -Oxford Clarendon advocate 18962. Sophocles Antigone3. Sophocles A Reading G. H. Gellie Melbourne University Press 1972
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