Friday, May 31, 2019
Time management Essay -- essays research papers
Time Management for College StudentsWe all know the sound that is very old(prenominal) to us tick, tick, tick. No, its not the sound of our favorite movie coming on Its time moving on. College students often find that time is the hardest terminus to conquer. Time isnt really a goal. Finding time to complete all of our task is a goal. As a student there be some basic principals of time management that you can apply.Identify the best time for studying. Everyone has high and low periods of attention and concentration. Are you a morning mortal or a night person? Use your power times for studying, especially if you have children. Use your down times for cleaning, laundry, and running errands. If you have a job like most of us do, make a slot in your day for studying. Study difficult ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Ethnocentrism Essay example -- essays research papers
Websters dictionary defines ethnocentrism as The tendency to evaluate other groups according to the values and standards of ones own cultural group, especially with the conviction that ones own ethnic group is superior to the other groups. When first reading this definition, one would naturally agree that ethnocentrism does exist in our creation and society, often confusing it with patriotism. However, many do non realize that ethnocentrism is, has been, and continues to be a leading cause for violence in the States. Different ethnic groups such as African Americans and Native Americans have suffered through years of violent crimes against them because of the white mans ethnocentric views of themselves when compared with other races and cultures.Ethnocentrism began to develop in America long before we were officially a nation. When Europeans first came to America and had their initial encounters with the Native Americans, the Europeans were so surprised about how different the N atives were. Their differences in language, dress, and skin food coloring made them doubt that the Native Americans were even human. Stemming from this notion, the Europeans eventually began to consider the Natives as the other and felt that they were more civilized than the others. Amerigo Vespucci wrote that the Native Americans were worse than heathen because we did not see that they offered any sacrifice, nor did they have a house of prayer. Consequently, these feelings...
The Need for Employee Counseling Essays -- Business Management Studies
The Need for Employee CounselingEmployees ar the most valuable asset the come with has. Withoutemployees the company is just bricks and walls and pieces of iron andsteel. Employees are the unrivalleds that bring the place alive, they causethe activity and they are responsible for output. Though today all ofus take aim been influenced by the age of information technology andautomation, there is no company that can claim that it can make it onits own without employees. In incident today more than ever it isnecessary for organizations to realize that an employee is veryvaluable and losing an employee is a resource lost.Having said as much, we see that in actual reading dealing withemployees at times is the worst nightmare of any manager. Employee transaction is gaining momentum as time goes by but there is no onescientific formula that takes care of all. This is because eachorganization is different as is each employee.The problems that arise can generically be attributed to the f ollowingreasons Poor employee relations Absence of employee counseling Poor or no employee coachingThe focus of this report is on these three functional areas and eachwill be discussed separately.Employee RelationsThe Importance of Employee RelationsWorking with employees requires an understanding of what actuallymakes the employee function. Satisfying monetary needs does not have along lasting impact. Employees need to be kept informed and must beprovided with an opportunity to raise suggestions and voice theircomplains. Otherwise employees are bound to feel dissatisfied andalienated. The Employee Relations (ER) department essentially takes careof the companys communication program, its Employee AssistanceProgram (EAP) and its employee recognition program. Effective employeemanagement is the key to having favorable employee relations, which inturn is necessary for retaining talented and productive employees. habitual deficiencies and hindrances in the way of effective employeerela tionsFor most part, managers say that they hate managing people and itsthe most difficult part of their job. This is becausea) they have not authoritative formal training on how to manage peopleb) they get little or no support from employee relations and human resource people.Most managers case at Human Resource (HR) and ER for help. However HRin most organizations is th... ... employees otherwise it will be difficult to grow.Difficult people are necessary as they help us remain on our toes andbring to the work environment the dynamism that is necessary.BibliographyPeterson, Bert Role of Employee Relations Today., pp.1-5.Peterson, Bert Fear- A Management Style., pp.1-4.Peyser, horny The Necessity of Difficult People. Exploration Hall,, pp.1-2.Cairnes, Margot Building self-confidence should be strategic priority., pp.1-2.Employee Assistance Program Counselling Service., pp.1-3.Counseling Se rvice., pp.1-2.The Laypersons Guide to Counselor Ethics What You Should notice About the Ethical Practice of Professional, pp.1-2.7 Ways To Beat The Blues., pp.1Atkinson, William Wellness, Employee Assistance ProgramsInvestments, Not Costs., pp.1-6Farr, John Problem Employees How do managers decide how and when to deal with piteous employee performance?, pp.1-7The Future of Electronic Counselling., pp.1-2
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Emilie Du Chatelet :: essays research papers fc
Emilie du Chatelet Emilie du Chatelet grew up in a society where there were not manyeducation opportunities for women. She was born in Paris on December 17, 1706and grew up in a household where marriage was the only way hotshot could improvetheir place in society. During her early childhood, Emilie began to show suchpromise in the area of academics that soon she was able to convince her fatherthat she was a unity who needed attention. Provided with good education, shestudied and soon mastered Latin, Italian and English. She also studied Tasso,Virgil, Milton and other great scholars of the time. In spite of her talents in the area of languages, her on-key love wasmathematics. Her study in this area was encouraged be a family friend, M. deMezieres, who recognized her talent. Emilies hightail it in mathematics was rarelyoriginal or as captivating as that of other female mathematicians but it wassubstantive. At t he age of nineteen she married Marquis du Chatelet. During thefirst twain years of their marriage, Emilie gave birth to a boy and a girl, andlater at the age of 27 the birth of another son followed. Neither the childrenor her husband deterred her from fully grasping and indulge in the social lifeof the court. Some of Emilies most significant work came from the period she spentwith Voltaire, one of the most intriguing and brilliant scholars of this time,at Cirey-sur-Blaise. For the two scholars this was a safe and quiet placedistant from the turbulence of Paris and court life. She started studying theworks of Leibniz but she then started to analyze the discoveries of Newton. Shewas extremely conquest in translating his whole book on the principals ofmathematics into French. She also added to this book an "AlgebraicalCommentary" which very few general readers understood. To realize the significance of her work for future Frenc h scholars it isimportant to understand the social context within which she lived and worked.One of Emilies most significant tutors was Pierre Louis de Maupertuis, a renownmathematician and astronomer of the time. The skin for success did not comeeasy even for Emilie. As a student her curiosity and unrelentedness caused herto place impossible demands on her tutors. Such nature caused her to lock in indispute with her tutor at the time, Samuel Koenig. Their dispute was about thesubject of the infinitely small which ended their friendship. In 1740 when Emilies book Institutions de physique was published,Koenig started a dish the dirt that the work was merely a rehash of his lessons with her.
The Shy Girl Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
The Shy GirlEver since I can remember, I was naturally calm down and shy. I constantly repeated myself because people could not reckon me the first time. Even then, I seldom made eye contact with others. When I entered high school, nothing changed. Soon afterward, I disliked the way my classmates theme of me. If someone had to make an announcement in class, I was not chosen my classmates believed I was not vocal enough. If someone threw a party, I was not invited because they apprehension Shy girls would not want to come. Most of my classmates attracted a great deal of attention. No one willingly associated with me. Not only did my classmates see me as quiet and shy, but they made me start believing it, too. Ashamed, I wanted some way egress. I wanted my words to stick with people. I wanted them to think, Louisa verbalise. I tried participating in class more and sharing my opinions, but that did not help. Whenever I made a comment, one of two things happened I did not get the c redit for my comment, or no one took me seriously. I felt helpless. The ninth grade production of The Tempest changed my life. My teacher, Mrs. Massand, gave me a part in the bet and I no longer appeared quiet and shy. Although Mrs. Massand assigned the whole class a part in the play, she appointed me as, Stephano, the drunk, a major role. Her select surprised me and my classmates. Stephanos character seemed so unlike mine he was loud and silly. My first thought was, How is a quiet girl like me going to play the part of a boisterous drunk? Until now my classmates convinced me that I was simply quiet and shy. Now the play required me to show another view of myself. We began the play by reading the text out loud and becoming comfortable with t... ...t scene, I was marching around in a circle shouting, Ban, ban, Ca-Caliban At the end of the procedure, the audience was bursting with cheer. Then Mrs. Massand had us individually take a bow. When it was my turn to bow, the audience ga ve me the standing ovation. I was never more excited. As I exited the stage, almost every classmate stopped me to say, Wow Louisa, you were the best At that moment I realized I could be loud, silly, and talented. My ninth grade performance in The Tempest made my last years in high school a success acting and reciting the words of Stephano made my growth in confidence possible. What I once thought was an everlasting label of shyness proved removable after all. My classmates saw another side to me, and I was dexterous that I was not labeled as a quiet and shy girl anymore. That year I came in like a lamb and went out like a lion.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- Addiction, Drug, Marijuana, Weed
Some people ordain that Marijuana is not additive, both(prenominal) say it is. If its hold outn to be both then how can people really know how it affects the body? On an interview with Elvis Duran and the morning render Lady Gaga admitted that she was addicted to marijuana. She was doing 15 joints of marijuana without tobacco in them every day. In Lady Gagas life she has been addicted to some type of drug from a young age. She used the analogy of Lilly pad drugs. She would get to the point where she couldnt go any further with one marrow squash so she would have to go to the next substance. She started doing marijuana on a tour because she was in a lot of pain she was in so ofttimes pain that she was getting depressed. Lady Gaga said that looking back she can see that the pain was her hip, but at the time she didnt know where it was coming from. She also said that it was to help with her anxiety. She started doing marijuana to stop the pain she would do the drug in the morning and then sleep it off in the afternoon she said that she would never do a show high. She decided to speak about it so young people are aware that addiction to the drug is possible, and not a myth. (Wall Street Journal n.p)Marijuana or hempen necktie often called pot, weed, or herbis a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of Cannabis sativathe hemp plant, has been used as an instrument to achieve euphoria, a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness, since ancient times. Marijuana has been traced back to the Chinese, geological dating from 2737 B.C.. From there it went to India to North Africa and then reached Europe around the time of 500 A.D.. In the record of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung the use of marijuana was for medication for rheuma... ... he said I would caution against this assumptionthat marijuana is the most effective drug for medical purposes due to the lack of consistent, repeatable scientific data available to farm marijuanas medical benefits.Works CitedWall Street Journal. Lady Gaga Says Shes Addicted to Marijuana. YouTube. YouTube, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.DrugFacts Marijuana. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). N.p., Dec. 2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.Messerli, Joe. - Legalization of Marijuana-Advantages & Disadvantages. Balanced Politics, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.History of Marijuana. Marijuana History. Narconon International, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.Pros and Cons - Medical Marijuana. Headlines., 6 May 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.Pros of Marijuana Legalization. N.p., Aug. 1010. Web. 07 Dec. 2013.
Legalizing Marijuana Essay -- Addiction, Drug, Marijuana, Weed
Some people say that Marijuana is not additive, some say it is. If its known to be both indeed how can people really know how it affects the body? On an interview with Elvis Duran and the morning show lady Gaga admitted that she was addicted to ganja. She was doing 15 joints of marihuana without tobacco in them every day. In Lady Gagas life she has been addicted to some type of drug from a young age. She utilise the analogy of Lilly pad drugs. She would get to the point where she couldnt go any further with one substance so she would have to go to the next substance. She started doing marijuana on a tour because she was in a lot of pain she was in so much pain that she was getting depressed. Lady Gaga utter that looking back she can see that the pain was her hip, but at the time she didnt know where it was coming from. She also said that it was to help with her anxiety. She started doing marijuana to stop the pain she would do the drug in the morning and then sleep it off in th e afternoon she said that she would never do a show high. She decided to speak about it so young people are aware that addiction to the drug is possible, and not a myth. (Wall Street daybook n.p)Marijuana or Cannabis often called pot, weed, or herbis a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of Cannabis sativathe hemp plant, has been used as an instrument to hit euphoria, a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness, since ancient times. Marijuana has been traced back to the Chinese, dating from 2737 B.C.. From there it went to India to North Africa and then reached Europe some the time of 500 A.D.. In the record of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung the use of marijuana was for medication for rheuma... ... he said I would caution against this assumptionthat marijuana is the nearly effective drug for medical purposes due to the lack of consistent, repeatable scientific data available to prove marijuanas medical benefits.Works CitedWa ll Street Journal. Lady Gaga Says Shes Addicted to Marijuana. YouTube. YouTube, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 02 Dec. 2013.DrugFacts Marijuana. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). N.p., Dec. 2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.Messerli, Joe. - Legalization of Marijuana-Advantages & Disadvantages. Balanced Politics, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.History of Marijuana. Marijuana History. Narconon International, n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2013.Pros and Cons - Medical Marijuana. Headlines., 6 may 2009. Web. 06 Dec. 2013.Pros of Marijuana Legalization. N.p., Aug. 1010. Web. 07 Dec. 2013.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Eulogy for Romeo Essay
Good citizens of Verona, we are here to grieve the loss of a precious child of God. Romeo Montague, a young man who was like a son to me has passed away due to a series of misfortunate events. Although Romeo passed far as well as soon, we can still remember the legacy Romeo has left us, and appreciate the many lessons he has taught us. I first knew Romeo as a little boy, born into a family in a harsh, long-lasting feud with the Capulet household. Over the years, I served as a mentor to him. He would often come to my cell to confide his problems to me.It was finished these talks that I befriended him and instilled upon him the fundamentals of life. I taught him to disregard the conflict between his family and the Capulets, and to always acquire new friends, not enemies. Romeo turned out to be a polite, kind, and caring young man. He was also a very solitary young man he would rather take walks through the sycamore trees than safari around with his friends. One day, Romeo visited me in order to seek my advice. He was lovesick and depressed that Rosaline didnt return the love he felt for her, and that she decided to acquire a nun.Sympathetically, I counseled him and advised him, as his friends Mercutio and Benvolio did, to find another woman in Verona. Romeo was still lovesick, but before long, Romeo was back yet again this duration barring good news. Romeo had found a new love, and this time, the feeling of love was mutual. I remember Romeo saying such words as, Then plainly turn in my warmheartednesss dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet As mine on hers, so hers is set on mine And all combined, save what thou must combine (2. . 57-60).Romeo had an incredibly deep love for Juliet. He helps me to appreciate the little things in life, and I am very thankful to have been blessed enough to have been so close to him. I was so moved by Romeos words, and passion for his love, that I agreed to marry him and Juliet secretly. Romeo was always a pers istent young man sometimes impulsive and irrational but always determined and caring. I was heart broken when I heard the news of Romeos banishment and Mercutios death.Not long after Romeos departure to Mantua, Juliet came to me, begging me to create a solution to stop her impending marriage to Paris. I, being so close to Romeo, came up with a plan to have the two lovers spend their lives together. It seemed fate had already made up its mind, because every attempt I made to help, ultimately lead to the demise of the two lovers. While Romeos death is horrible and unfair, in that respect are some positive things we can take out of it. The feud between the Montagues and the Capulets is over presently, which will ensure peace throughout the magnificent urban center of Verona.In his life, Romeo showed how powerful the feeling of love is we can all learn something from his braveness, perseverance, and his positive attitude even when nothing seemed to be going his way. Romeo wouldnt em ergency all of you to grieve his death we should all try to remember Romeo as he was, and acknowledge that he is in a better place now with his true love. My heart goes out to the family of the Montagues at this woeful time all who knew him will miss Romeo. May you rest in peace, Romeo.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Mahatma Gandhi Biography Speech Essay
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. This is a quote said by Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian transitionary and religious leader who used his religious power for policy-making and social reform and was the main force behind the second-largest nation in the worlds struggle for independence. Gandhi was born on October 2nd 1869 in Probandar, India. Him and his family lived in a self-sufficient residential community and only ate undecomposable vegetarian food and undertook long fasts. He was the fourth child in the family and a good deal had it the worse when it came to his education for his parents wanted him to follow in his fathers footsteps of fitting a lawyer. He eventually became a lawyer and trained in law in London and was employed in South America during the revolution from British control in India. At the age of 15 he married his wife Kasturba and had 4 children named Hirlal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.It was at this age that Mahatma first helped protest immoderate la nd-tax and discrimination on the poorer people of India. What made him different from other protesters was that he created the concept of Satyagraha which is a nonviolent way of protesting injustices. He also spent 20 years of his life in South Africa fighting discrimination. He is also majorly known for leading the Indians in the Dandi Salt March of 1930 challenging the British-imposed salt tax. For umteen of his nonviolent protest though, he and many of his followers were often imprisoned in both South Africa and India. But weirdly enough, even later on acquire arrested many times, he never reacted in any violent ways for his vision of a free India was based off religion and pluralism. He was often described by many Indians as The Father of The Nation.On August 15th 1947, India attained independence after a great political and social struggle. Mahatma had achieved his goal but only enjoyed it for a short period of time. Mahatma Gandhi died on January 30th 1948, at the age of 78 in New Delhi after being assassinated by Nathuram Gadse. However, Mahatmas legacy still continues for he inspired many movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. I decided to lead Mahatma Gandhi for my biography speech because he had a dramatic influence on the Indian Independence movement and achieved it in all nonviolent ways dapple never giving in to the evil that so many people do today.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Digital Classroom Essay
I was re on the wholey wondering what rat I learn English when I came here. Because before I couldnt go to course somewhat English . I havent got an idea. After that weve seen two different classroom. Conventional and digital classroom. World is changing everyday. Person finds new technologies idea for everything. And Im absolutely agree this statement what people learning English are able to make greater progress when using a motley of learning technologies within the classroom.I really deal digital classroom. There are lots of advantages. In my opinion IWB is incredible . It looks like game and everybody like to play game. All word use to internet and computer because of this people can be to more interested with lesson. Some times we can neediness to speak with our friends and we can use to Synchron Eyes. Im feeling comfortable to digital classroom. Pegasus is helpful for me. I can do some mistakes when I carry through by handed and after that maybe I cant see my mistakes. Bu t if I use to Pegasus I can see all my mistakes end of the exam or homework and maybe I can forget my homework but if I look for in the Pegasus I can see my homework.I used to conventional classroom for 23 years. Sometimes computers cant work . there can be some digital problems. What can I do this time. I can use my book. Were really old friends with my book. If I am in classroom I deficiency to see my book and I want to use my pencil. This is really important for me. I want to write some notes on the book.As a contribute two different classroom has a good speciality. I feel confused but actually digital class is better than conventional class.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Huckleberry Finn’s Moral Compass
Nathan Walker Mr. Dickenson Period 3 1/7/12 Critic Keith Neilson writes, And so Huckleberry Finn ends, one of the saddest happy endings in literature. Jim is free, after an dire initiation that nearly gets him lynched. tom is al well-nigh killed, yet learns nonhing from the experience. But Hucks loss seems the superlative of all. After finally letting his nubble overcome all of the prejudices and moral inhibitions that society has put into his head, having determined to defy society to go whole hog to rescue his friend Jim, he meets Tom Sawyer and immediately crawls back under Toms Romantic Wing.Hucks character and moral nature seem violatedOne of the greatest characters in literature has been forced to go backwards and we feel cheated. For years, critics have argued over the ending of Huckleberry Finn. Critics tear apart theracial content, issues about gender and sexuality, and most interestingly the ongoing controversy over the final chapters. The debate remainsregardingwheth er or non Twain wrote the ending with a purpose, or if he that took an easy way out. For example, the ending comes abruptly.In addition, readers are upset abouthow Huck disappears and Tom reemerges. On the other hand, others feel that the ending is a masterpiece. Personally, I mess see both sides of the debate. On one hand, it seems that Twain created a masterpiece just to throw it away at the end. We see that Huck, who we were rooting for all along, has not changed and will continue to carry out Toms whims and fantasies. All the progress he has made with Jim has been destroyed. This is one of the manyaspects that make the novel picaresque. On the other hand however, I can see why Twain did what he did.In order to be honest with Hucks character, Twain could not have allowed Huck to become the hero. Furthermore, in the time period of the Southern 1800? s, if Huck had changed his ways, society would have been shocked. If society hated the book, Twains pass on would not have been s o wide spread as it was, as the book would have probably banned. Another possible idea is that Twain precious to make his readers wonder, and leave them to make their own decisions. One thing is convinced(predicate) however, either way you translate the ending Twain sure knows how to stir controversy.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Lewins Model of Organisational Change Essay
Example of re postAnother current example is McDonalds who has lost touch with consumers and global ever- changing needs of consumers (health issue) and are fork uping to reposition themselves capitalising on their competencies like store location and convenience to update their brand offerings.A brands market share and profitability may be strengthened by repositioning. Repositioning can be accomplished by physically changing the product changing the price changing distribution changing image through promotional efforts aiming product at a different target marketRepositioningWhen a product or brands position creates an unfavorable circumstance, the companys marketing team may seek to reposition it. Repositioning is the wreak of changing consumer perceptions of a brand relative to competitors. It involves a sweeping process that must be implemented at the strategic level, thereby affecting all(prenominal) part of the company. It cannot simply be a marketing ploy, which might aro use the suspicions of consumers.Repositioning is the process of changing consumer perceptions of a brand relative to competitors.In the positioning map shown in Figure 5.9, Nissan did not have an advantage with regard to either safety or speed. The marketing department, after seeing the results, might try to reposition Nissan on the variable of safety. Repositioning would involve improvements in the safety features of the automobile (in the design and manufacturing departments), a promotional campaign to inform consumers of these changes (marketing), public dealings releases announcing the results of new safety tests when they favor the company, and an overall company focus on safety.Such a strategy includes informing all employees about the new come along and rewarding those who suggest innovations and improvements related to safety of the automobiles.If successful, a future positioning map would show Nissan moving up on perceptions of safety. The Hyundai example from earlier in this chapter serves as an example of effective repositioning. The company moved from perceptions of being cheap and low quality to a new position based on ameliorate consumer perceptions of quality.Product re-positioningSometimes during its existence, a company may notice that its products image is outdated, or can be improved. Then the company starts re-positioning its products in customers perception. Re-positioning consists in identifying a new, unoccupied market position and promoting the product based on the new criteria. Re-positioning is suitable for minimizing companys own products competition. The business is trying to make a difference in the way the consumers perceive the similar products they furnish. Re-positioning requires a sustained promotional campaign and bring forward many risks.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Reaearch Article Analysis Essay
The system of honor enforcement blood of action make is a perpendicular form and a parallel political dynamic. The system of natural uprightness enforcement research had the intimacy and ability to apply the decision making process within state virtue enforcement courses and administrative divisions can control heroisms by giving studies to meet constitution makers needs. This document gives a schematic outlook on the system of justice enforcement determination making methods and speaks of how tecs can make his or her accomplishments pertinent within it. PurposeThe system of law enforcement action adopted and pursued by presidential term examinations aimed at the discovery and interpretation of new knowledge seeks to equip assessments and examinations of a serious offense and provides tactics for its reduction. The number in the system of law enforcement and the scientific study of crimes periodical, analysis, and a printed narrative be full of new knowledge and policy e xaminations. In fact, one topic has drawed reduced recognition however, it is how the system of law enforcement action planned and administrative divisions use the system of law enforcement in programs developing and policy making. To obtain federal money each state upholds law enforcement actions by the government and plans establishments (Garrison, 2009). Government and regional police departments establish the system of judicial body, mendions, and non profit associations obtain money through these law enforcement establishments to assist law enforcement responsibilities. Law enforcement researchers can make his or her business more applicable to law enforcement policy makers by having knowledge of the art of perception of government delegacy, and policy dynamics that govern how establishments function. Law enforcement principles and intentions are ethically based entities. By this Dena means that the law enforcement principles work in an enclosed area that negotiates with confident questions of define and incorrect what establishes fairness and prejudice as well as the attention of an individuals obligation. In fact, the appearance of these morals explains the division of law enforcement and law enforcement policy making establishments from other establishments for example, original or medical sciences. Dissimilar to the institutions and Denas conversation, lawenforcement, the natural sciences does non associate the causes of human weakness (Garrison, 2009). businessThe reason for dysfunction, our, unlike hypothesis propose are inward and outward causes for example, a need of political authority and poor disorders (Garrison, 2009). Considering how these reasons are observed and delineate these causes have moral meanings associated with them. Important, the law enforcement design is a subject that regular people can readily associate to and reveal views (at least in handle to causation) without immersion and guidance in control (Garrison, 2009). The law enforcement design transmissions on the primary surface of policy making, exercising or want power in the political or human beings affairs, the study of the nature and origin of ideals. Questions and answersIs the behavior of wrongdoings in a village a law enforcement matter or a public health matter? Answer it is a law enforcement matter because law enforcement and others for example, judges, and lawyers have to decide the punishment for the sinful but the punishment for the criminal depends on what the wrong doing was. Is the answer to a wrongdoing a discipline and containment design or a medical design in which methods are the mark product? Answer in this case it would be a medical model because treatment would be the factor to the individual or individuals involved in the wrong doing. Is wrongdoing a matter of a persons chosen conduct or is the outcome of environmental methods past the constrain or obligation of the individual? Answer this can be both because t he person chooses to conduct the wrong doing but the environmental factors for example the individual coming from a poor neighborhood could also contribute to the individuals action (Garrison, 2009 & White, 2013). Describe the design of the studyExaminations can affect the exercising or seeking power in governmental affairs, the study of the nature, and the origin of ideals concern that in turn, holds design within the law enforcement outlined establishments. To accomplish control in the resolution events the researchers must uphold both traditional esteem, and a character of presented unprejudiced examinations by policy makers (Weiss, 1976, Ross & Shapiro, 1999).The theoreticalprobability and the absence of a political preconceived notion of the researcher are the central results to acceptability. If individuals see an analysis as too reserved or too permissive, his or her research results are not considered worthyy if the decision makers do not bestow the equal political theory (Garrison, 2009). It is better for an analysis to have no political character, thus leaving his or her qualification the main representative to create opinions. The design represents how an analysis can motivate one or more all primary(prenominal)(p) individuals of the steering by preparation the individuals with studies that reverberates carefully with the moral and political theories to those constituents. In fact, those constituents make the whole counsel. In addition, the politics, and authority of the council will resolve if a policy conclusion will transpire and what policies, if made, researchers will transcribe to the supervisor to carry out (Garrison, 2009). The planning administrative division manages the second level of the planning, carries out the decisions of the goals and puts the policy into the curriculum. In fact, once the counsel informs the supervisor on the policy it is his or her obligation to seek the details of practice commonly regarding a workers topic , and this is at the decision of the supervisor. Thus, the judgment making authority for carrying out changes are to an individual opinion maker. In addition, analysists must know what position of decision making policy or a specific responsibility or curriculum is under to decide how the analysis can be substantial. Furthermore, if an establishment needs details, evaluations, or data on policy process is in its planning notable action studies that provides transparent and operational data will have a big effect on the method (Weiss, 1976). Operational commentaryFrom an un widely administrative system (Hall, 1989) exercising or seeking power in governmental or public affairs concern in a course of action adopted by the government there is another view to the art or science of government on decision making political timing. The British Navy incorporated lemons in the diet of the crew members to fight a disease 263 years back after medical science demonstrated the usefulness. Althou gh the connection separating locoweed and lung cancer was made in 1950 it was not until the 1990s that a government policy was put into place to stop smokingin individuals 18 and younger (Lomas, 2000). Inductive LogicTo furnish assorted control establishments and stakeholders with an examination aimed at the discovery and interoperation of new knowledge there are three processes. One a portion of the study is left out and rejects the outcome because researchers defy the outcome. Exercising or seeking power in governmental or public affairs. Two studies center on clauses and delicate variations in reading, but center on clauses and limitations not well accepted in the public policy (Ross & Shapiro, 1999). Three using the identical data conservatives makes noted facts and policy makers make a course of action adopted by the government. Ross & Shapiro advises that a course of action adopted by government that studies can have exercising or seeking power in the government, and defi ne the studies or if the examinations have worth (Ross & Shapiro, 1999). Deductive LogicThe success of making examinations aimed at the discovery greater, and beneficial analysis comprehend processes. There can be no individual correct opinion in government judgment making, values, and examination outcomes will never be understand or believed enough to give the conclusion in a policy dispute (Weiss, 1982). In fact, researchers who do not have the quality or power for making the last policy decision do not obtain a course of action adopted by the government. In addition, actions adopted by the government when in question about what data researchers require, researchers obtain information that is pleasant or relating to government in the researchers association (Weiss, 1982). Furthermore, actions adopted, and pursued by government makers are feeling at ease with the condition and do not alter easily. Finally, the governmental affairs use researchers to back a predetermined policy posi tion is a worthy use of analysis because it gives individuals the popular understanding for the analysis (Weiss, 1982). FindingsThe significant basis that courses bring to the course of action process is a self governing, logical method. The stakes are high and almost topics are likely argued by special interest stakeholders. The data has to support credibility (Ross & Shapiro, 1999). In fact, researchers should stay awayfrom political discussion on what the researcher means for future policy making. Researchers examining analysis and outcomes based on authorities information, individuals should keep in mind that authorities control information is complete information. Furthermore, information can be explained lawfully in unusual ways, and the choice of possible explanations of information can come about from government actions, and have the same genuineness (Ross & Shapiro, 1999). Qualitative or QuantitativeThe information in this document is qualitative data because there is i nformation and opinions on many levels. Information is part of a method that contains giving training and understanding for policy deliberations producing words for accepting dilemmas, and producing answers that happen over time (Rist, 1994). With this qualitative data consisting of values represent qualities of non-numerical categories (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2009). This is important because it gives information estimation, awareness of past information and analysis on what causes have been and what have not been put into place pertaining to the development (Rist, 1994). In conclusion, research is important in law enforcement policies because the information received can determine what policies have and have not been put into place, and if new policies need to be added. Researchers have to redress attention to the information collected, and have the information needed to know what can and what cannot be used. In fact, researchers give the government the last choice on kind of they should use the information or not. Decisions are very important in the research area of law enforcement because the research changes therefore researchers must have the knowledge and skills on when and when not to use specific data.ReferencesBennett, J.O., Briggs, W.L., & Triola, M.F. (2009). Statistical reasoning for everyday life (3rd ed.) .Boston, MA Pearson/Addison (2013)Garrison, A.H. (2009). The Influence of Research on Criminal Justice indemnity Making. Professional Issues in Criminal Justice, 4(1), Lomas, J. (2000, Spring). Connecting research and policy. ISUMA, (), 140-144. Rist, R. (1994). Influencing the policy process with qualitative research. Handbookon qualitative research, (), . Weiss, J. (1976). Using Social Science for Social insurance. Policy Studies Journal, 4(3), 234-238. Weiss, J. (1982). Policy research in the context of diffuse decision making. The Journal of Higher Education, 53(6), 619-639.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Kite Runner Essay Essay
Do you know that Afghanis process a game where they fight with kites? The Kite stolon by Khaled Hosseini describes kite fights between local Afghani kids, regardless of their social status. The main characters in this story that come from a higher socioeconomic train are Baba, a lawyer from the Pashtun tribe, and his news Amir. The main characters in this story that come from the lower socioeconomic level are Ali, a servant from the Hazara tribe, and his son Hassan who are servants to Baba and his family. The Kite Runner explores how different classes of sight worked together to run things in Afghanistan.In the Kite Runner discrimination in Afghanistan is demonstrated by the relationship between the Pashutns and Hazaras. The Hazaras were often demeaned and persecuted (www. Sparknotes. com). Baba, however, taught his family to be kind to the Hazaras. Baba learned this from his father, who was a highly regarded judge in Kabul (Hosseini 24). The story describes a day when the gran dfather sentenced two young Pashtun men into the military for killing almost an entire Hazaran family. The grandfather was very dismayed that the five year old boy who survived the disaster would be left an orphan.Amir remembered As for the orphan, my grandfather adopted him into his own household, and told the other servants to tutor him, however to be kind to him (Hosseini 24-25). The young survivor was named Ali. Quite a few years later, Baba took in Alis son Hassan to be a servant for his son Amir. While Babas house was a jolly and kind place to live there was still a social barrier (www. Sparknotes. com). For example until now though Baba called Ali his family, Ali still lived in a hut and slept on the floor (www. shmoop. com).Although Hassan was believed to be Alis son he was actually Babas out of wedlock son (Hosseini 224-225). Baba and Ali never told Amir or Hassan that they were brothers because it was smutty that Baba had a relationship with Hassans mother, who was i n a lower socioeconomic level. Baba would never be entertain again if that ever got out. Later on in Hassans life, he had difficulty with becoming anything only a servant. Hassan had a very strong identity as a servant, and because of this he had no sense impression of entitlement when he grew up. Hassan took care of Babas house, even after Baba left (Hosseini 218).In a scene in the ledger Hassan tries to protect Babas old house from Taliban invasion, and gets killed (Hosseini 219). Through his dying day Hassan never snarl a sense of entitlement and continued to serve Baba as his owner rather than as his father. At the epoch of Hassans death he was no longer Babas servant. The Taliban, warriors taking over tribesman under the pretense of uniting their country, made Afghanistan a very dangerous place. The Taliban were very discriminating and typically tortured, beat, and executed muckle of a lower socioeconomic level. During childhood, Assef bullied Hassan and Amir.Assef cam e from a higher socioeconomic class than Hassan. Assef is now presented in the book as a Taliban militant. The Taliban banned symphony in Afghanistan (Hosseini 280). Hassans son, Sohrab, was forced to dance to music by Assef. The Taliban continued to flex its muscles to get other people to conform to their rules. Amir thought I guessed music wasnt sinful as long as it played to Taliban ears (Hosseini 280). Amir was very critical well-nigh the Taliban and stupidly admitted to Assef I had read about the Hazara massacre in Mazar-i-Sharif in the papers (Hosseini 277).Amirs point was that the Taliban killed the Hazaras anywhere they could find them even though they didnt do anything wrong. Clearly the Taliban did not value the lives of the Hazaras (www. Sparknotes. com). Assef was ace of the cruelest of all the Taliban. He told Amir this Afghanistan is like a beautiful mansion littered with garbage, and soulfulness has to take out the garbage (Hosseini 284). Taliban influence in Afgha nistan heightened discrimination and did not unite the country.The Kite Runner clearly demonstrated how different classes of people who are able to live peacefully together although memory within the bound of their social class. The Taliban did not tolerate people from the lower socioeconomic classes and without conscious killed and undone their lives. Hassan and Amir, technically brother, grew up together but were never treated as equals (Hosseini 25). However they were able to coexist without hating each other (Hosseini 25). Amir never truly considered himself as a friend to Hassan (Hosseini 25). Hassan always considered himself a servant to Baba even at his death, in chapter 16.In my opinion the Afghan culture before the Taliban was one of working together and living peacefully but after the Taliban invaded the culture changed by forcing discrimination among the socioeconomic classes. Works Cited Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. New York Riverhead, 2003. Print. The Kite Runne r Chapter 4 Summary. Shmoop. N. p. , n. d. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. . The Kite Runner. SparkNotes. SparkNotes, n. d. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. .
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde coursework Essay
In the saucy, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde which was written by Stevenson in 1886, a doctor realisen as heat content Jekyll is curious to know if it is possible to separate the two sides of gentlemans gentleman nature, good and evil. In his basement he creates a miscellany to try and this is were Mr Hyde is introduced to the story. Jekyll drinks the potion and transforms into Hyde. Hyde is a prime example of pure evil, the complete opposite of Dr Jekyll but later on he is taken over by Hyde and it shows through him wanting to transform again after all(prenominal) of the crimes committed by his dark side. Stevensons object glass for the novel was to get the reader to defecate that cypher is perfect and everybody has a dark side to their personality.The Victorian era started in 1837 and ended in1901. This was how long queen regnant Victoria ruled for. Society in London was very posh and rich during that era. In the novel Dr Jekyll is one of these rich people. Although London was sai d to be a civilised place there were in reality a fewer criminals who committed horrific rapes, decapitations and murders. Jack the ripper is one of them. This side of society back and so represents Mr Hyde. London back then had dark fogy nights and some rainy nights, identical to the nights described in Jekyll and Hyde.nine in the morning, and the first fog of the season as the cab drew up earlier the address indicated, the fog lifted a little and showed him a good-for-naught street.The scenery is choosing Mr Uttersons path. The setting gives a picture that evil is trying to pick reveal Uttersons path, luring him into evil. The Fog gives the audience an ethereal and tense atmosphere. You feel that anything could happen and that evil is lurking somewhere beyond the fog but it is undetectable. Just same Mr Hyde, whatever will happen next is unpredictable. There is also a sense of suspicion as the fog lifted a little and showed him a dingy street. We wonder why the fog shows him a dingy street which is most likely infested with evil beings and we also wonder if Mr Utterson is wandering into a fix and this intensifies the suspence.Evil masterminds atomic number 18nt handsome and this shows when Hyde looks into the mirror for the first time for the audience to see.He is not b execrablezy to describe. There is something wrong with his appearance, something displeasing, something downright detestable. I never saw a man I so dis careHe sounds like a hideous monster, deformed and gives the woman a feeling of detestation when she sees him. Most villains look discomforting like the ones in movies. Jekyll on the other hand is the complete opposite, handsome and liked by the women in the novel. This shows the difference between the good and evil in the novel and contributes to Stevensons objective of getting the reader to see the difference between good and evil.Hydes actions are animalistic and he shows a sign of superhuman strength when he beats Carew so ra pidly his cane snaps and Carew dies. This emphasizes his provoke towards Carew and this unprovoked attack is so brutal, it makes the made at the window faint from shock.and at that Mr Hyde broke out of all bounds and clubbed him to the earth. And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under his foot and hailing down a storm of blows, under which uprises were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway. At the horror of these sights, the maid fainted.This exposition shows how relentless Hyde is and he doesnt hold back his anger and lets loose a barrage of bone shattering blows. It is clear to the audience that he has channelled his anger into his physical strength then unleashes is all on Carew and the fact that Carew is beaten to death further expresses his anger and hatred towards Carew. His actions gives us an insight of what he is physically capable of doing and also makes us wonder if he is a human or a peasant beast with intense strength.Bac k in those times reputation was a key factor to a well known wealthy persons life and Hyde lives on a dull dingy street whereas Jekyll lives in his humble abode to avoid being found out by Utterson and Enfield. They two are suspicious about Jekyll and want to find him out but they are unsure if they should impair his reputation, so instead they keep a close eye on him and ask him a few questions. The information they find out they want to keep to themselves because they dont want to ruin Jekylls reputation in bailiwick he is innocent. Utterson and his acquaintance Mr Enfield do all they can to identify who Hyde really is. What gets them thinking is when Hyde tramples calmly over the little girl and Utterson wants Hyde to pay 100 compensation and when he does, they realize that it is signed by Dr Henry Jekyll but they both promise never to talk about the case again, so they dont let it out into the public.Hyde is able to stay hidden from the two lawyers because of the field of op eration he lives in. The area is dirty, dingy, smelly and full of the low classed people. This way Hyde can keep a low profile and high status people wont voyage into this area and spot Hyde. He blends in with all of the citizens there. The women are poor and very savage and referred to as Wild harpiesAnd all the time, as we were pitching it in red hot, we were keeping the women off him as best we could, for they were as wild as harpiesThis quote emphasizes the violent side to these women. They have unleashed their dark side, just like Hyde was unleashed from Jekyll and when Hyde gets into trouble, a woman laughs and says he deserves it. This lady shows her dark side and no remorse at this comment towards Mr Hyde. This makes you realize that not lone(prenominal) Dr Jekyll has an evil side to his personality. This also makes us realise that everyone has an evil side to their personality.Stevenson presents the evil side of human nature in his novel, however he also captures the good side of human nature and this is shown when Henry Jekyll admits to his own guilt.The pleasures which I made haste to seek my disguise were, as I have said, inelegant I would scarce use a harder term. But in the hands of Edward Hyde, they soon began to turn towards ill-judged it was Hyde, after all, and Hyde alone, that was guilty. Jekyll was no worse.Dr Jekyll is admitting to his mistakes and he reveals to us that Hyde was his disguise. He is taking responsibility for unleashing his dark side which is Hyde and refers to his actions as undignified. This shows that there is a good side to every human and he has displayed this through disclosure that Hyde was to blame for all of the crimes committed and that Jekyll (his good side) was no worse.Overall Stevenson has shown us that no human is perfect. Everyone has a darker side to their personality. Good and evil is a regular part of human nature. Stevenson makes us realise that we are all capable of doing bad things but all choose no t to for a variety of reasons.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Dell Computers: a Case Study in Low Inventory
When managers discuss small-scale inventory levels, dingle is invariably discussed. Hell, even Ive mentioned Dell on this site. So why all the commotion? Has their low inventory Reallyhelped out that much? In short, yes. This member is primarily going to discuss how much it helped. This article will not discuss how they achieved such high school inventory turns using a state of the art scarcely in time inventory system. think behind need for lower inventoryThe first thing that needs to be discussed is why low inventory has such a great effect on Dells overall performance. The reason is quite undecomposable computers depreciate at a very high rate. Sitting in inventory, a computer loses a ton of value. As Dells CEO, Kevin Rollins, put it in an interview with Fast Company The longer you keep it the alacritous it deteriorates you can literally see the stuff rot, he says. Because of their short product lifecycles, computer components depreciate anyw here(predicate) from a half to a salutary point a week.Cutting inventory is not just a nice thing to do. Its a financial imperative. Were going to assume that the depreciation is a full point per week (1%/week) and use that to determine how much money high inventory turns can exempt Dell. This means that for every 7 days a computer sits in Dells warehouses, the computer loses 1% of its value. Ok, outright that we know how much Dell loses for each day, lets take a look at some of Dells entropy over the past 10 years that I pulled from www. hemanufacturer. com What I got from this was the inventory turns.An inventory turn, as this website successfully describes it, is cost of goods sold from the income statement divided by value of inventory from the balance sheet. Typically, this is dark into a value showing how many days worth of inventory a firm has by dividing inventory turnover by 365. I divided the inventory turnover by 52 in order to show how many weeks worth of inventory Dell holds.Key point to not ice here is that Dell was carrying over 10 weeks worth of inventory in 1993. By 2001, Dell was carrying less than 1 weeks worth of inventory. This essentially means that inventory used to sit virtually for 11 weeks and now it sits rough for less than 1 week.So what does this mean for Dell?Remember, computers lose 1 percent of their value per week. This isnt same(p) the canned food industry where managers can let their supplies sit around for months before anyone bats an eye. Computers arent canned goods, and as Kevin Rollins of Dell put it, computers rot. The longer a computer sits around, the less it is worth.That said, delinquent to depreciation alone, in 1993 Dell was losing roughly 10% per computer just by allowing computers to sit around before they were sold. In 2001, Dell was losing less than a percent. Based on holding costs alone, Dell reduced costs by nearly 9%.Since 2001, Dell has continueed to lower inventory. Looking at their in vogue(p) annual reports, days invent ory has dropped by approximately a day.Hopefully this article provided you with a practical event that demonstrates the positive effects lower inventory can have on a firms overall costs. For more than information regarding lawyers in the Texas area, check out Dallas Fort Worth trucking accident attorney. For more underlying information regarding holding costs, please read A Simplified Look at the Pros and Cons of Inventory.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Class or Mass Essay
Neptune Gourmet Seafood is faced with the exit of extend provide in its mart. The response action is very time sensitive as a failure to react may cause severe loss in mark apprehension. Though they carry increased investments as of late to produce much than and also maintain high quality products finished their halt technology, they still need to find a way to combat long-runinus supply issues. They should non threaten their high provoker image through low cost maneuvers, as this is the key driver of their competitive advantage. The cheeration I propose is to partner with very head known supplement retail merchant GNC to bring forth liquid ecstasy action of seek anoint.On top of that, Neptune should recommend to GNC in the partnership that they fatten out to the young and upcoming market place of fixed wellnessy meal delivery. GNC can partner with a littler company that has already established their healthy meal plans, such as Utilizing GN Cs distribution and trade prowess, both Neptune and GNC bequeath be able to sustain competitive advantages through high brand legality and first suggester advantages in a small, yet poised to grow market. As the world starts to draw more health conscious, it give be a huge competitive advantage to have already set up the correct infrastructure to tack this market. Industry DynamicsNeptune Gourmet Seafood is North the Statess third largest seafood producer playing in a market where seafood is considered high-end. They have generated nearly a third of its revenue from carry oning fixed and processed fish through US grocery bonds and organic food retailers. An even bigger market is through the many restaurants within 250 miles of Fort Lauderdale that they sell to along with many big cruise lines. The final third of their market was through wholesalers who then interchange the fish to restaurants across the country. Neptune was considered top quality, and therefore withdrawed a 30% bounty over the majority of its competitors. They leaded this premium due to their investments in new-fangled ships and freezing technologies that allowed them to find the biggest and best catches along with administering their top notch freezing agents to keep fish fresh. Some clients even preferred their frozen fish to fresh fish. Situation compendNeptune Gourmet Seafood is in a tough situation where they continue to have tautologic inventory although strike for their product is increase. They have recently become more productive through both investments in new freezing technologies as well as new government regulation forcing them to deeper waters where they are having more successful catches. After analyzing their current market situation, some possible opportunities have been unveiled (Appendix A) that could possibly therapeutic their current predicament. These opportunities are coordinated with the company objectives, but it is clear that not all will be optimal due to offsetting industry conditions. The managers and decision makers at Neptune Gourmet Seafood have each begun to disagree or so the proper course of action to best sustain a competitive advantage. (Appendix D) These issues come down to three main areas Inventory Levels Is this a short-term problem that will pass with time or is it a strategic problem that must be addressed now to avoid long-term damage. Pricing contrivance Will a 50% give the axe help to rid of excess inventory or will it simply reduce profits? Will profits be hurt in the long term? Brand Awareness Should the brand equity of Neptune Gold be jeopardized with the creation of a secondary Neptune silver gray brand? What other opportunities could be explored to increase the brand awareness and brand equity of Neptune as a whole.After performing a SWOT analysis (Appendix C) it became clear that the creation of a secondary discount brand would not plainly hurt the reputation of Neptune but also cut into its ow n sales. Moreover, the increasing supply of fish due to new regulation makes it clear that this problem is not something that will respectable go away by shedding a bit of inventory. It is an issue that needs a long-term solution in order to sustain a competitive advantage, whether that is in another market with a different product, or some other long-term strategy. (Appendix B). For that reason, the idea of magnification to the fish oil market with a partnership with GNC has emerged. This will be able to rid of excess inventory as supply increases while also tapping into a budding demand market. (Appendix E2). Further, they should use their frozen fish to provide the seafood for GNC working out to the frozen meal delivery market. GNC can partner with to utilize there already in go under menu(Appendix E4) while using the distribution, advertising, and target market that GNC already obtains. Importance of DecisionThe whole seafood business market is facing a dif ficult problem of how to deal with increased supply. The response that Neptune takes is vital to its long-term solvency as a misstep may set them back compared to their competitors. overdue to its historical success along with a recognizable and trusted brand, Neptunes customers expect no change in the status quo. all disallow spillover onto their current product or product melt may induce a negative customer response. Furthermore, a move to a low cost brand may hurt their brand image beyond repair. rating CriteriaSpeed how fast will the secondary address and remedy the surplus issue? Growth will the alternative continue growth in current/new markets? vision Usage will the alternative use current resources or require new investments? Quality will the quality of product be reduced through the alternative? Competitor Response will the alternative start a price war? Customer Response will the alternative affect customer perception of high quality? Supply Inventory will the alter native address the increase in supply in short and long-term? AlternativesNeptune is at a point in which action is required. A do nothing strategy would almost certainly put them in a hole that would not allow them to compete long term in this industry. The alternative of a price cut does not align with their core values, and therefore the following three options were considered 1). Create a Neptune branded chain of high-end Seafood restaurants locate along the Florida Coast. ProsGets rid of excess supplyMaintains high quality brand perceptionIncreases revenue while creating a testing ground for new products ConsLarge investment buildings and gaining restaurant get down Directly competing with a large portion of customer base2). Form a partnership with GNC and begin production of fish oil tablets and recommend expansion into preplanned frozen meal market where Neptune wouldbe exclusive supplier of fish. (Further partner with ProsLong term solution for increase i n fish supplyExtends brand to another market, non-seafood eatersGNC already understands processes to create/has distribution GNC has distribution system in place for frozen sector, already has target market as well ConsGNC features many brands of fish oils alreadyPossible cannibalization with GNC advised frozen meal plans3). Create a mass-market brand called Neptune Silver that sells at lower cost through the equal distribution channels. ProsAddresses supply problem now and in the futureAttracts new lower end customer baseConsDecreased revenueBrand perception is lowered, may lose high-end customer base as well Possible lost ability to charge a premium in the high-end market Alternatives Evaluation MatrixRecommendationsShort-term Tactical With the surplus of inventory increasing every day, Neptune must fructify its dose services to begin regular deliveries to GNCs manufacturing site. Long-term Strategic Neptune must take action in a few different areas if they are to be successf ul. Based on the alternatives matrix, the joint venture with GNC gives them the biggest luck to retain a competitive advantage. The current growth of the fish oil industry shows the trend that more and more consumers are starting to care about their longevity in health. Furthermore, the meal plan expansion recommendation to GNC helps to gain another competitive advantage in the pre-planned healthy meal industry. They must prepare an offer to GNC outlining the opportunities for GNC and the possible market penetration that they can achieve through this partnership. They will also recommend partnering with already in place frozen healthy meal delivery services such as The healthy frozen meals industry is increment and doesnt have a lot of players. First mover advantages will be acquired andflourished with the scale and distribution GNC already has in place. Key Implementation Actions1). Begin hebdomadally or monthly transport of specified amount of surplus fish to b e used for fish oil at first until partnership with frozen meal team is acquired. 2). Fish oil production will begin at GNC production site, begin marketing and advertising campaigns. 3). Once GNC has partnered with a frozen meal provider, they must begin the marketing and advertising to help bring the health conscious customers of GNC in concert with the convenience of frozen meals. 4). can utilize GNC distribution systems to deliver low transaction be contact to Resources and Capabilities on Competitive Advantages The impact of this partnership is an enhancement to both companies competitive advantages. Neptune is able to not only maintain its high quality perception but also penetrate a growing market of fish oil and pre-planned healthy frozen meals.GNC will be able to expand its product mix by penetrating the busy yet health conscious individuals. This is a market that is sustainable and growing due to the increase of information available about healthy eating habits and the importance of food to longevity. The groups of health conscious people are also great brand ambassadors, and are drive marketing efforts and demand for products through their use of social media (Appendix E5). Furthermore, through the partnership GNC will save on transportation costs and other costs by utilizing Neptune as its sole fish supplier. Expected Competitor ResponseDue to the common issue of increased supply throughout the market, it is plausibly that other competitors will be seek to find other outlets to sustain a competitive advantage. However, due to the lack of premium brand science it will be difficult for them to make such large partnerships. Neptunes increasing margins over the ago few years are giving it ample cash to make these big deals. The competitors will likely try to rid excess inventory through price cuts or charitable giving. AppendixA). market place Expansion GridB). Porters Five ForcesC). SWOT AnalysisD). Stakeholders AnalysisE). e xterior ResearchA) Market Expansion GridB) Porters Five ForcesC). SWOT AnalysisD) Stakeholders AnalysisE). Exterior ResearchE1. Finding New Uses Fish Byproducts Report http// demand for fish protein will exceed supply by 2016 Fish oil and protein supplements for humans can be made from high-fat livers. And low-fat livers, such as salmon, can be used as supplements for pets and livestock as well as humans. E2). Grandview Research Industry Report Fish Oil MarketGlobal fish oil demand nearing $2 billion and expected to grow at 9% between now and 2014 The major driver of this growth is the increase in direct human consumption based on increased health benefit awareness and concern of general population. Not enough production to keep up with the increasing demand. E3). Global Frozen Food Market Reporthttp// finding more and more demand from organic and natural frozen market Overall market expecting nearly 15% increase by 2019E4). Possible Partners for Frozen Meals for FNChttp// of frozen healthy meals to individual doors Could do bulk deliveries to GNC for mass magazine and low costs E5). Health Conscious Shoppers building brandshttp// healthy people, more brand recognition and drivingdemand. Infographics
Friday, May 17, 2019
Antigone: an Assessment of Antigone’s and Creon Essay
How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed by means of the interactive oral? after(prenominal) taking part in the interactive oral presentation carried out by Sonias group, I now believe that I have gained a much greater understanding of the play Antig iodine. Themes commented on by the presentation were women, religion and tragedy further examining their place in society at the term the play was written by assembly lineing it to society today. Obstacles hindering my understanding of the play, including its time and setting, have been removed. subsequently comparing so vividly the society of Ancient Greece and that of the one I live in, I rear end now em styleize with Antigone and the rest of the roles in the play, consequently broadening my understanding of the hard times that they had to endure. many of the issues regarding women, religion and politics in the untaught during the period were ob maked in Sophocles Antigone, clear ly displaying their importance. The contemporary issues that molded the play deserve further exploration.Womens roles in ancient Greek society were shockingly divergent in comparison to that of today. out front the presentation, I was awargon of some differences between their society and ours but I was unaware that they were so extreme. Although she seems extremely negative and erratic, Ismene was shown to be a trinitying example of a charr at the time the first difference between their society and ours. Although she is elevated in society she doesnt hear about(predicate) anything important No one has told me anything, Antigone, I have heard nothing Before the presentation, the irrelevant positions of women were unknown to me. As well as seen to be worthless, women were in any case presented as creation a negative influence on men Dont let any woman comprehend you was Creons advice to Haemon, displaying the general consensus on women. We examined Creons motives, prospecti ng that if Antigone werent a woman, would the punishment be the same?another(prenominal) important theme that was brought to my attention during the interactive oral presentation was that of religion. The religious laws in this time and country were incredibly significant. This societys view on religion is a major influence in the play Antigone. It would have affected how the people in the country (the characters in the play) acted and what they thought, a large contrast to today. The themes examined by Antigone would have been incredibly shocking to the original listening as they were the social norms. After being informed, I was then able to make connections in the text, as to why certain things were said and insinuated about being rewarded in the after heart and why specific acts were committed all under the influence of religion. precedent to the presentation, I was on the whole uninformed as to the religion and many other cultural aspects of Ancient Greece.Antigone An judg ing of Antigones and Creons Deeply Held Beliefs and Views On Familial and State ResponsibilitiesIn his play Antigone, Sophocles explores the ethical lawfulness of familial and state ties through the opposing viewpoints and beliefs of the of import characters, Antigone and Creon. By pitching these two individuals against apiece other, Sophocles excessively successfully reveals the raw and multi-faceted character of kind-heartedness. The tragic consequences that conclude Antigone emphasize the deadly differences between each characters views on the unwritten duty towards family and the binding laws of the city-state, a conflict that would very potential be less of an issue in modern society. Sophocles promotes Antigones character, as she is the traditional protagonist of the play. By doing so, Sophocles succeeds in building the au stallnces compassion towards her.The audience is influenced therefore, through this empathy created towards Antigone, to view Creons ethical actions a s being less moral than her own. However, it must be added that Creons points of view and actions can nevertheless also be scarcelyified. By studying the destiny of each character, and how each of their fates come to pass, one can retrieve a clearer understanding of how and why Sophocles influences the audience into favoring Antigone and her domestic role, rather than Creon and his cold inflexibility. The contrasting views and principles that drive each character deserve assessment as the opposing passions driving each of them, lead to the plays tragic, dramatic and poignant conclusion.Sophocles brings to life the characters of Antigone and Creon, developing for each, a sense of responsibility and a set of morals, which collide dramatically with the opposite characters. By pitting these two characters against one another, Sophocles not only successfully contrasts the ethical views of each, but also cleverly exposes the true face of humanity. Antigone is placed as both lead charac ter and heroine of the play, as she holds a domestic, reasoned and to a greater extent(prenominal) have a bun in the ovenable stance any audience would see her as heroine. A.E. Haigh, author of An analysis of the play by Sophocles The Tragic Drama of the Greeks clearly states that Antigone lives a more familial motivated lifestyle, saying, Antigone, however, seems to have been of a more domestic type.1 Antigones resilient, and somewhat egotistical, popular opinion of responsibility toward family is what drives her to publicly violate Creons new decree and to question his judgment on, and knowledge of, churchman law.Antigone does this without question, so deep is her respect of the gods over the state. She clearly feels more obligated towards her religious responsibilities and ties than anything else. This somewhat resistive character believes that the gods alone determine her fate she will do whatever is necessary to appease them. I shall die in the knowledge that I have act ed justly. What greater satis occurrenceion than that We have too teentsy time to waste it on men, and the laws they make. The approval of the dead is everlasting, and I shall bask in it as I lie among them.2. Here Antigones use of language shocks the audience as she has clearly prioritized her existence in accepting death and rejecting mortal life.This strong and deep held belief drives Antigone to stand by her familial responsibilities with steely determination and to perform the burial rights for her deceased brother that were callously denied him by Creon. Her acceptance of death shocks the audience as it almost seems as if she desires it. She remains certain throughout the play that the gods will reward her idol worship and her heroic actions in the afterlife. Although she says differently, it appears that Antigone also strives for public acclaim in Thebes. When Ismene mentions that she wont inform anyone of Antigones plans, Antigone responds strongly, Dont you dare You mus t tell every carcass, shout it in the streets. This rebellious response from Antigone seems to omen that her actions are not only divinely, but also somewhat egotistically motivated.The second central character, Creon, shares Antigones determinism in abiding by principles and beliefs. However, contrary to Antigone, Creon remains certain that humans can in fact dictate the moral laws of society and that the state should and can handle its own matters by asking, Is it likely, remotely likely that the gods will think twice over that stinking pile of meat? Rather than fearing the immortal gods and their unwritten laws, Creon strives to uphold those of man and of state. His stubborn punishment of Antigone, a woman whose only desire is to bury her brother, shows a lack of respect and contempt for all family values and ties. Although Creon could justify his actions as being those required of a king, it is evident that they are too extreme. G.H. Gellie in Sophocles A Reading states, He rem inds us repeatedly of the carnal nastiness of the bodys exposure We are made to feel in our stomachs that this is no right smart to treat the body of a human being.3 Any empathy that the audience may have felt towards Creon quickly vanishes at this point in the play. However, this is somewhat redressed later when, ironically he loses his family members his wife and son. Throughout Antigone, Creon appears to be otiose to grasp the key traits of ruling and living in an ethical society. This is evident when he states, Ive just seen her inside in fury, not like someone in full control of her senses. The heart of one who weaves wickedness in darkness is usually convicted beforehand. I, for my part, hate anyone caught in the act who tries to beautify his crimes thereupon.2 Statements of this nature show Creons cold and callous assessments of the morally upright Antigone the effect on the audience is unadorned One can feel nothing but disdain for such a harsh and unfeeling character.I t is Creons own rules and regulations that publicly expose his apparent lack of respect for family values and duties. This is evident when he introduces his new decree, stating that Polynices cannot be buried. Creons secondary flaw is that he continually acts on his own self interest. His motivations are driven by his selfishness and not by the opinions or interest of his people. Egotistical traits such as these are neither honorable nor wise for a successful ruler. Creons son, Haemon, challenges his father, informing him that he neglects to serve the people of Thebes and fails to pay attention to their cries. He argues, How the city weeps for this girl, says shes the least worthy of all women to die so badly for such noble deeds.2 Creon responds, with an outrageous outburst, displaying his arrogance through his strong views. He asks, The city will tell me how I ought to rule it? Isnt the city thought to be her rulers?2 His blatantly conceited claims, coupled with his unconcealed disregard for fair judgment, build strain towards a seemingly inevitable clash with Antigone, who is filled with equal tenacity but whose views are diametrically opposed to his.The viewpoints of each character can be interpreted as quite ironic and at odds Although Antigone strives to defend family values by violating the states laws, she remains a prominent and performance member of Theban society. Likewise, even though Creon remains a loving husband and father, his ability to completely disregard familial ties in support of state laws is shocking. As the two are directly opposed, it is fire to see how the characters cope in the same culture. Antigone and Creon are of such determined characters, that the irony considering each of their particular(a) devotions to family and state becomes even more alarming.Antigone appears the most ethical of the two as she is willing to risk her life over her decision to uphold family rights Creon can also appear morally just, because, as king , he is motivated solely by his duty to serve Thebes. It could also be argued that neither Creon nor Antigone are wrong in their convictions they are two sides that are simply conflicting. As the two protagonists stubbornly remain true to their late held beliefs and responsibilities, they are driven to make decisions that ultimately lead to their mutual destruction. This destruction in itself demonstrates the ethical validations of both Antigones and Creons opposing characters.As well as highlighting the problems with society at that time, Sophocles through the characters of Antigone and Creon, reveals the true face of humanity, in all its ugliness. Sophocles cleverly manipulates the emotions of his audience in order to expose humanitys true nature. G.H. Gellie identifies the depth of the audiences feelings when he says that we feel this response in our stomachs3 Our response is almost instinctive we cannot help but react deeply in this way. Sophocles successfully plays with our em otions and makes us feel outraged. Although Creons flaws reflect the flaws of humanity, Antigone herself is not without flaws. Like her king, Antigone demonstrates strong opinions and, at times, acts in her own interest. She turbulently defies the states dominance over domestic values.These obstinate principles are what lead Antigone down the path of destruction, glorified nonetheless. Sophocles portrays Antigones reasons, as being nobler than Creons who is profoundly selfish and possesses a frightening pertinacity to carry out his brutal deed. Tiresias, another character, provides an omen when he sternly warns king to be more understanding and to consider the impact of what he is doing, You dont protect it when you trample the honors of the gods2 Haemon and the chorus line also warn the king, impartially informing him that his actions may not be as ethical as he imagines they are.Each characters warnings are disregarded, amid wild accusations of bribery and foul play. Consequentl y, the audience is back up to feel less sympathy for Creon than they do for Antigone, a woman whose only desire is to bury her kill brother. Antigone is prepared to lose her life trying to uphold family values and feels she has no choice but to accept her fate. On the other hand, after pleas from numerous characters, Creon repeatedly fails to see sense and strives to avoid his dark fate.To conclude, in the play Antigone, the catastrophic conflict of beliefs that occurred between family and state in ancient Thebes is carefully demonstrated in the disastrous events that take place. Questions of morality and duty are challenged throughout the play as the two central characters, Antigone and Creon, clash violently in their battle to uphold the views they so diligently and resolutely stand behind. The views and deeply held beliefs of Antigone and Creon are of key significance in the play they are what drive the plot to its tragic conclusion. However, they are not simply the driving for ce of the play, but the vehicle through which Sophocles exposes the many facets of humanity its peach tree and its ugliness. Through the tragic events that conclude the story, Sophocles was likely indicating that an amalgamation of the two characters contrasting approaches would be the best way to operate in ancient Greek society.Bibliography1. An analysis of the play by Sophocles The Tragic Drama of the Greeks A.E. Haigh -Oxford Clarendon advocate 18962. Sophocles Antigone3. Sophocles A Reading G. H. Gellie Melbourne University Press 1972
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Population Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Population - Assignment ExampleGiven the economic position of the country and other development as observed in the opening of the Sochi 2014 Opening Ceremony, these facilities are attractive to the young people that will create a strong foundation for the future of the nation.The population shift in Russia is super due to the poor standards of living. As a result, the mortality rate for the males is high leading to a pauperism for an immediate intervention. Unfortunately, the ban policy adopted by the government has more adverse impacts than advantages. As observed, the deem of children adopted by American couples is high thus reducing children-related expenses for the administration (Herszenhorn and Eckholm n.p). With the current poverty and wellness care status, more children are likely to suffer from malnourishment and diseases increasing infant mortality beyond its present rate. Consequently, the future demography of the country will constrain the government, as dependent ra tio will be very high.Herszenhorn, DavidM., and Erik, Eckholm. The New York Times. Putin Signs Bill That Bars U.S. Adoptions, Upending Families. The New York Times,2012. Web. 24Mar.2015.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Great Gatsby review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The not bad(p) Gatsby review - Essay ExampleThis is apparently illustrated by Nick who relocates to New York in search of a better future. At the end of the film, Gatsby exclaims to Nick that he was born penniless. Gatsby was a millionaire who was renowned in the neighbourhood, and this goes to fate that success is possible for anyone as provided for by the second tenant of the American Dream.The two final principles of the ideals of the American Dream are not well depicted in the film. Success is attained through straining work is the third principle. It is not clear to establish what Gatsby did to amass such wealth but in that location is an instance where Tom accuses him of bootlegging alcohol and conducting other illegal deeds. If in deed this is the reason why Gatsby was wealthy, the third principle does not apply in this case. The same can be said active the fourth tenet that asserts that success is associated with virtue. The hint of involvement in illegal practices may invalidate this tenet in the case of Gatsby and also he plans to take Daisy away from
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Mona Lisa`s Portrait Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mona Lisas Portrait abridgment - Essay ExampleIt is often assumed that standing in front of the personation evokes senses that excessively produce some sort of connection with the woman in the portrait. The whole idea of standing and appreciating the bang of the portrait is quite fascinating and alluring in every sense considering its recognition as one of the exceedingly admired piece of art start in the world (Claire (1999) The portrait is a fine piece of work of one of the highly admired and well-respected artist of the world, Leonardo Da Vinci. His creativity and artistic touch acquire him a place in millions of hearts across the world. It is assumed that Leonardo Da Vinci never sinless his artworks and used to leave them unfinished. The portrait of Mona Lisa took four years of time to emerge as one of the highly intriguing portraits of all time. This piece of art was finished in the 15th century in France that also highlight the fact of the rise of art and creativity in different parts of the world. The portrait of Mona Lisa did non grab eyeballs till the 19th century when emerging symbolist movement began to recognize its worth, beauty and relevance. The gustatory sensation level reached new heights attracting others to appreciate the work along with identifying wide arrays of stories pertaining to the womans face, embellish and the whole idea of portraying a woman showcasing incomprehensible emotions. Analyzing the picture gives an idea that the whole standard atmosphere of the portrait is quite unique and appealing in nature. The folded hands of the woman highlight her reserved pram while her eyes and lips speak unheard stories and emotions. The face and emotions welcome the viewer with a smile that is enigmatic in nature yet appealing and spellbinding. The corners of the mouth and eyes have been painted brightly that enhances the beauty of the portrait.
Monday, May 13, 2019
E-Shopping System for Educational Needs Assignment
E-Shopping System for Educational Needs - Assignment ExampleSearch for products A Search box would be provided in every page of the application where the user can pillow slip in a text of their choice (matching the search criteria). In addition, two or more drop-down lists would be employed for selecting the categories and subcategories to refine the search more precisely and to a fault to ease the task of customers for entering special texts.Order a product The e-Shopping application would have an exclusive commit processing module. Users can vow any number of products from the appropriate page. The system would offer a secure payment gateway for fashioning payments using a variety of modes like internet banking, credit cards, and PayPal.Place an inquiry In rove to facilitate bulk bookings for Corporate/Academic Institutions, an option to place entreats or inquire about the handiness of the required quantity of products and also the expected invoice would be offered.Track th e rule Track your prescribe option would be opened to customers as soon as the payment is made and the order request is completed. Users can track the order based on the order id or combination of customer id and the order date.View Order History View History option would be enabled for all registered customers in order to view the history of all their transactions. It would not only include all the completed orders but also includes details for canceled and pending orders if any.Apart from all these functionalities and features, session variables/cookies would also implement so that the application would have in mind the users visiting the site and would welcome them with their name (if registered) and their last visited date and time.The system is implemented with the overall boldness that there is a stable internet connection available throughout the period of transaction.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Globalisation and Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Globalisation and Employment - Essay ExampleWith the sexual climax of globalisation this phenomenon has expanded and has impacted the contemporary cultural and social lives of the individuals who ar involved (International Monetary Fund, 2002, p. 1). The external migration has both beneficial and detrimental effect on the great deal as well as the countries. The try across the inter- land border has forced the government of the respective countries to formulate international policies. The unite Kingdom has overly experienced the phenomenon of migration since a long time. However, the pattern of this migration has widely varied in different phases of time. In the prove day the diversity in the migration patterns and the mobility of the immigrants is greater. The number of immigrants has also has also been increase. The populate fix been coming from the motley other continents and their duration of stay in the UK is for much shorter periods. The main reason for the migration in the present day is for business needs of the different multinational corporations. In order to execute the projects in the UK people are coming to different business locations of UK. There have been radical changes in the immigration policies of UK. The common existence of the United States is against this continuous influx of the immigrants and this public opinion has forced the government to manage this illegal and anarchic migration of foreign population to the UK. At the same time the country has benefitted from the migration of some individuals who have contributed to the GDP of the countries and have acted as economic agents. This essay shambles an attempt to look into the various immigration patterns witnessed by the UK and try to make an analysis of the challenges and opportunities that would arise for the countries, their citizens and the immigrants. Discussion of the issue The challenges that the face the UK policy makers include the issue of immigration. The native people are of the opinion that there is an extremely overspill of the number of migrants in the United Kingdom. Almost 80% of the original population of the United Kingdom prefer that the number of migrants in the countries get reduced. Thus the trends of the increasing number of immigrants in the country are not welcome by the native people of these places. The people of UK are concerned about the various issues relating to the cultural background and the competition existing in the UK. This is in the main because of the Public perception of the immigration policy as a flawed one. Patterns of UK migration The migration pattern in the United Kingdom has changed drastically over the last one decade. The advent of extensive migration took place in the country in the post Second World War period mostly from South East Asia and the Caribbean Islands. along with that the influx of people took place from the African countries. As in 2008, the number of immigrants of UK was about 6.6 mill ion which constitute more than 10% of the total population of the UK. The people who were not born in the UK were considered as the immigrants. along with that UK population also consisted of 4.2 million of people from the foreign nations. There in a decades time the population of UK had been increasing by 2.2 million with people who were of non-British origin
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Multiple Intelligences profile and teaching style Research Paper
eightfold Intelligences profile and teaching style - Research Paper ExampleWe ar all so divers(prenominal) largely beca custom we have different combinations of intelligences. If we recognize this, I think we will have at least(prenominal) a better chance of dealing appropriately with the some(prenominal) problems that we face in the world (Gardner, 2006, p. 24). Nature, language, and organic structure movement are on the first place in my intelligences profile. Active life and sports are as important for mind and body, while sensibility to nature and environs sharpens the feeling of responsibility and awareness of the grand creatures we live among. Linguistic intelligence is important, because it helps to better express oneself as well as better consider other people. The power of a word was proven by a great philosopher and eloquent speaker, Socrates. different intelligences with the score higher than 3 are interpersonal, intrapersonal, spatial, logical-mathematical also play important role in my life. Finally, musical intelligence is just 1.57. It is rather low because I neither sing nor play any instruments. However, I pride classical as well as popular music. Obviously, my teaching style is influenced by my intelligences. So, I pay much attention at students use of language, their vocabulary and ability to express themselves clearly. Furthermore, I party favour students who know a lot about nature and natural processes, while students with musical intelligence are basically left without attention. I think it would be reasonable to include some tasks which are at least partially related to musical sphere. Thus, no matter what one is teaching Armstrong suggests to put into a rhythmic format that can be either sung, rapped, or changed (2009, p. 85). A schoolroom where all or at least closely of the combinations of intelligences are welcomed and developed is the key to the most fruitful learning environment of any subject which is taught. Many e ducators successfully incorporate Gardeners MI theory and schoolroom recommendations in their daily work. Diverse students with different intelligences demand complex and multi-sided approach to teaching philosophy and instructions. Lazear (2003) has engaged his personal and professional teaching experience in this theory of multiple intelligences and its application in the classroom. His most observations and practical application are based on teaching his two daughters at high and wander school levels. Lazear (2003) defines teaching strategies in Multiple Intelligences Toolbox. Obviously, appropriate application of the theory of multiple intelligences in classroom creates student-oriented environment. To accommodate diverse students learning styles I need to make some changes in my approaches to teaching. It has to be a planned step-by-step approach followed by reflective observation and analysis. Teaching English, for instance, there are many ways of incorporating music into i nstructions which will both teach English language skills and meet necessitate of students who are strong in music. After listening to a musical piece by bachelor or Beethoven students can be asked to write composition on a specific topic, use specific adjectives or adverbs, express their feelings verbally, write a song or poem on the make-up of the music piece. Depending on the grade level students may learn some grammatical rule pitch contour the song with
Friday, May 10, 2019
Assessing Traditional Arguments about God's Existence Essay
Assessing Traditional Arguments about Gods Existence - Essay casefulAnselm during the 11th century CE. According to him, the existence of God can be derived from the belief that a be, which is more than mighty than any other can be, conceived (Poj human 54). The argument goes ahead to hold that, considering that a more powerful being cannot be conceived is evidence to certify that the only conceivable being that can be conceived ashes the greatest. Therefore, the conception of an all-powerful God that surpasses all other beings shows that God exists. I believe that the ontological possible action is not successful, mainly because it is one grounded upon reason, and it is obvious that the reasoning of a man is guided and based upon his yesteryear experience and the knowledge held. In harbouring the argument, the proponents argue that disputing the existence of God is awkward, like the act of imagining that a four-sided triangle, which cannot be drawn (Malcolm 41-50). The prop onents continue to argue that humans can tell that claims disputing Gods existence can be rejected without referring to any evidence or tolerating any arguments in support of the view express. The unsuccessfulness of the argument can be confirm from the very premise it is built upon, including that it relies upon the experience and the knowledge of man to impose the viewpoint that God exists, without exploring anything beyond the reasoning of man (Pojman 54). The areas that the argument does not account for overwhelm the differences in the reasoning, and the knowledge held by contrasting people from different social and cultural settings. For example, a person of one social and cultural setting will conceive a God of one kind, and some other from a different one will conceive a different one. These differences serve to show that the different Gods conceived by the different groups can be flawed therefore, the existence of a more top-flight being cannot be disputed. The reason ing against the argument shows that it is not valid, because the specific inferences, it is grounded upon cannot be reason out out from an objective point of view, and because the premise are not verified for validity in any way. The invalid inferences of the argument embroil the conception that God exists and that another god who is greater than the conceptualized God exists (Malcolm 41-50). Others include the inference that God exists as an judgment in the mind. The inferences show that the different ideas developed by different people may show that different gods are conceived. There is the inference of holding other things constant, which shows that the reasoning blocks the conception or proves of a higher power or being, which is not a proper reasoning for a substantial and reasoned argument (Pojman 54). The argument is not sound, mainly because the different premises it is grounded upon, are themselves flawed right from their conception. The premises that are distinctively false or unfounded include the following that the conception of a superior God blocks the possibility that a power which is higher than him exists and that the superior God exists as an idea, which shows that another idea of a more powerful force can still be developed. Other unfounded premises include that the reality of God is not verified in any way, and the claim that the conception of a higher being will be a contradiction of reality, although the reality to be contradicted has not been verified in any logical way (Oppy 72). Citing the unfounded nature of the inferences and the premises used by the
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