Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Encountering the Old Testament Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Experiencing the Old Testament - Assignment Example In any case, as Cain approached God to give some assurance to him, as he dreaded being killed in his excursions, God respected Cain’s supplications and conceded that â€Å"anyone who kills Cain will endure retaliation multiple times over†(Genesis 4:15 The New International Version). The Divine insurance of Cain empowered him to live securely in the eastern place that is known for Nod, and to manufacture the main city on the Earth, named after his first-conceived child, Enoch. The leniency of God along these lines demonstrated instrumental in the advancement of human progress (Arnold and Beyer, 2008). The instance of Cain showed that Lord God is all the while fierce and benevolent, prepared both to rebuff and to excuse. The account of the Ark of Noah that might be found in the similar Book of Genesis is further declaration to this limit of God, and, thusly, it is important to harp on it in detail. As indicated by Genesis, the Flood was brought about by particular wicked ness of people at that point living on Earth, who went similarly as going into sexual relations with â€Å"sons of the God†(for example the fallen blessed messengers; Genesis 6:2 The New International Version). ...The Covenant of God with Noah and his replacements (Genesis 9:8-10 The New International Version) demonstrated that Divine benevolence rushes to come back to the individuals who demonstrate their submission to God’s will. The tale of Jonah may similarly be conjured here. At the point when Jonah declined God’s proclamation to go to the city of Nineveh and lecture against its residents’ underhandedness, Lord God sent an incredible tempest against the boat conveying him (Jonah 1:4 The New International Version). In the end, Jonah was devoured by the stomach of the â€Å"huge fish†sent by the Lord, and he was there for three days and three evenings (Jonah 1:17 The New International Version). In any case, God’s kindness wathe s despit e everything appeared to Jonah, as, when he offered petition to the Lord in anticipation of salvation, God directed the fish to discharge Jonah, and he had the option to proceed with his way, going to Nineveh to satisfy God’s will.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Social Work in Canada
Question: Talk about the Social Work in Canada. Answer: Presentation The improvement in the Downtown Eastside concerning low-salary populace in Vancouver is a far from being obviously true point to talk about as it advances the procedure of improvement to the intrigued person. The geographic area of Vancouver causes this spot to turn into a significant transportation center point in Canada as it interfaces the areas of Western Canada to Orient (Grube-Cavers Patterson, 2014). This specific talk will focus on the improvement in the Downtown Eastside, which is firmly connected with the low-salary populace in Vancouver BC of Canada. This examination will likewise clarify the positive and negative effect due to improvement, which can be estimated and assessed from different various parts of the general public. The point by point conversation on this particular subject will assist with getting an exhaustive and nitty gritty information on the improvement in Vancouver and a few effects on the occupants of Canada and the monetary condition. Conversation A few zones of Vancouver have been advanced with basic crude materials that can lead towards a sprouting producing industry in Canada that can upgrade the present financial state of the country in the serious monetary business world. The abrupt change of Downtown Eastside of Vancouver has been set apart by appearance of the popular and contemporary bistros, expensive salons and upscale markets from labyrinth of structures towards famous convergence of Hastings and Main of the city. The Downtown Eastside can be considered as an area, which is most popular for a progression of horrid and clichs reports. Then again, this specific area is considered as the least fortunate postal code of Canada as the abrasive rear entryways and roads are tossed with an immense story of dependence and destitution. The improvement totally changes the elements of the commonplace government, advancement of the city gathering of Vancouver for reviving flourish of the occupants for supporting a reasonable soci al lodging in moderate costs. Burnett (2014) has contended that the improvement may totally changes the monetary state of Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, in any case, the low-salary occupants of Vancouver has expected that the improvement may acquire a framework the stores, which is past their compass. Indeed, even the improvement pushes the low-salary inhabitants towards the reasonable rental units and items. As Downtown Eastside of Vancouver has huge populace from low-salary gathering, consequently the general public engineers consistently expect to upscale the each degree of the area. The activists and the local committee in Downtown Eastside pushes for building townhouses and for pulling in totally new business to the city, which can be worried as unsafe improvement. The contention of improvement includes the slow addition of the norm and average cost for basic items of the occupants and dislodge for the low-salary occupants, who lives for a considerable length of time in the city. From different angles, it has been plainly indicated that improvement have both positive and negative effect on the general public of Canada affecting the monetary condition in gigantic way. The discussion with respect to improvement clarifies the procedure of help to the occupants of Vancouver behind any sort of existing measurements in the general public. Improvement advances and supports the new cafés and stores everywhere throughout the city for upgrading the way of life of the occupants so as to reach to the low-pay populace. Remains et al. (2013) have called attention to that th e retail outlets and stores, for cases the medication stores and staple markets in Vancouver can support in preferred way over the past one simply because of the ramifications of improvement in Downtown Eastside for serving each occupant of the city without thinking about their financial situation in the general public. The general public of Canada infers this change as improvement, though, the general public designers notice it as a basic help as this is the main noteworthy method of keeping a territory alive as it doesn't have the capacity to work in any case way. Then again, the lodging activists of Downtown Eastside have recognized a humble upgrade for the social lodging units, which will be counterbalanced due to abrupt effect of improvement. As per Hyde (2014), the higher property estimations for fuel, lease has been expanded at the lodgings of single-room inhabitance and other existing lodging complex for the individuals of low-salary. Indeed, even the effects of improvement are anything but difficult to see in the general public and it concerns the allegation. Be that as it may, the general public engineers have comprehended that improvement is anything but an awful thing whenever executed in legitimate way. There is nothing amiss with the state of low-salary individuals as they have a place with the intermixed network. Dregs (2012) has repudiated with this previously mentioned explanation and has expressed that improvement have the limit of placing each occupant of the general public in single spot and putting a fence encompassing it. Improvement in Downtown Eastside includes a procedure of modifying and reestablishing the essential deluge of the rich occupants of Vancouver, who are into the crumbling territories, which are dislodged by the low-salary inhabitants. Be that as it may, there are sure discussions with respect to the need of improvement in the significant urban areas over the USA during 1970s. As opined by Oulahen et al. (2015), agreement is the noteworthy section, which decides the improvement that can shape the physical and social parts of the area. The researchers have concurred that the procedure of improved neighborhood ought to be distinguished and assessed in methodical way. Improvement in the Downtown Eastside was estimated and assessed in different existing manners that are mas sively impacted in the local investigations and inquires about, which can survey the need of improvement for neighborhood results in potential way. Improvement in Downtown Eastside has been endeavored for rejuvenating the city, which has run into some bad luck. This procedure has watched a tremendous accomplishment as it totally changes the customary battling urban communities like Vancouver and it decides the progressive advancement in the financial state of the low-pay individuals. Smith and Williams (2013) have referenced that there are different reasons that are liable for improvements, which has been worried as an alluring redevelopment procedure for the low-pay gathering of a city. The land region assumes a significant job for improvement in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver as this city have an enormous number of common laborers individuals as opposed to different urban areas of Canada. In the advanced period of socialization, America experiences with a colossal emergency in regards to the class divisions and pay imbalance. In any case, the legislators, business officials, social and social pioneers have totally extraordinary perspective in regards to the improvement in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver as these characters hold the real situation in the city for advocating a further interest in the issues identified with improvement. These projects consistently concern the financial state of the low-salary occupants of the city. As remarked by Walia and Diewert (2012), the changes in organizations of the neighborhood elites of Vancouver favor of utilizing financed land ventures, which are focused on improvement. Then again, the market powers can be supported in suitable way simply because of the effect of improvement and the general strategies to change the advancement procedure. So as to decide the arrangement of the various impetuses and the absence of demonstrated and customary elective models, there are all inclusive decisions for Vancouver for redevelopment of the general public. In any case, there are a few contentions identified with the ramifications of suitable improvement model in Downtown Eastside of Vancouver for delivering any sort of advantages so as to drop down the monetary stepping stool. The basic choices include the pioneers and urban scholars, who expect to scan reasonable models for meaning the achievement and advantages of the general public (Fynes, 2013). Improvement in the Downtown Ea stside concern the city, individuals and the youngsters as it unmistakably changes the norm and average cost for basic items of the occupants of this specific zone. Downtown Eastside is arranged in the city of Vancouver and this particular region has been undermined with the eco-improvement methodology in view of the neighborhood as of late. When this specific area of Vancouver was the core of consistent improvement that was prevalently involved by the unexpected development of the retail locations, cafés, bars and outlets. Kluckner (2013) has referenced that the proposed advancements in Downtown Eastside have been modified by the elements of neighborhood through an improvement procedure, which will be focused on this show. The current foundation of Eastside Downtown Vancouver uncovers the way that the improvement method causes a maintainable turn of events. Then again, the contentions in regards to this particular procedure remember relations for between different parts of natural discernment, as it is firmly connected with the creation of different shameful acts for financially and politically powerless occupants and the ecological morals (Fynes, 2013). The improvement procedure in the Downtown Eastside Vancouver proposes a moderate lodging practice that can constrain the low-salary individuals as they live in an awkward circumstance since quite a long while. Improvement process isn't determined to the Vancouver region as this specific city might be encountered this procedure from different practices and the encounters over the world. A generally excellent model can be considered of High Line, which is situated in New York City. As per Lees
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Why You Never Finish Your To-Do Lists at Work (And How to Change That)
Why You Never Finish Your To-Do Lists at Work (And How to Change That) To-Do lists are one of the most commonly-touted productivity tools in the world. And there is a good reason for it.The simple explanation is that you will always have a number of things to be done. To avoid forgetting, it is best to list them down then strike them off once done.But how come the expected effectiveness never materializes?Although several answers may be given to this question, e.g. it’s a matter of discipline, there is really something about this tool that facilitates the disappointment.One survey by LinkedIn showed that only 11% of professionals finish all the tasks in their To-Do lists.The truth is, there is something about To-Do lists that people are generally yet to understand. Sure enough, it is a productivity tool but for it to be useful, something somewhere must change in the way it is being used.In this article, we will show you what the shortcomings of the To-Do list are and how to overcome them. You will be glad to know that there are just a few consideratio ns which need to be taken into account. After that, a few changes and you will be good to go.You can then end your day with joy having struck off all those tasks because you finished them.WHY YOUR TO-DO LIST DOESN’T WORKVery many people have been disappointed by this great tool. Some have even said that To-Do lists can’t work. Although there are arguably good arguments given, it still remains to be one of the most popular time management tools.But why would it be popular yet a majority of those using it never benefit from it? Below are some reasons for this.1. DistractionsThis will remain to be the biggest problem of all, and the reason is pretty simple. Life never happens exactly the way you plan. Something will always come up. And although that thing was never expected, it still has to be taken care of. Some common distractions are:Impromptu meetings which were never in your schedule and were not communicated beforehand. If there was any communication, probably just five minut es before the meeting. This may be necessitated by an emergency or the boss saw the need to address an issue.Social media is one of the most enjoyable distractions around. Being social beings, nothing feels as good as having a chat with a friend. Or just updating yourself on their current status. You also get to broadcast your thoughts as well as see who your secret admirers are.Too much office chatting has an effect that is similar to that of social media, only that this chatting is with people in the same place you are in. From office gossip to the weekend adventures, the topics can be as many as they can be interesting.2. Wrong planningThis is another major reason for the failing of To-Do lists. Planning is key in everything you do and when you don’t plan, things tend to go wrong rather quickly. This is inescapable and it’s a guarantee you will feel frustrated at the end of the day.Wrong planning can occur in various ways:Having ambiguous tasks which make your mind start work ing to understand the nature of the work even before the work begins. When you have tasks like “Researching†or “Working†on your list, you will easily lose the grip on the list.This is because you do not know where to start. In some instances, you may not even remember what you meant to do when you wrote “working.†Despite the amount of work in your in-tray, it can always be organized into specific tasks.For example, you could have tasks like “File last weeks invoices,†or “Draft departmental budget†or even “Source for stationary suppliers.†All these tasks can be part of your day’s work but being ambiguous is similar to not having the list at all.Writing your list at the wrong time is yet another problem. There is just no way you can wait till today to plan for today. Yes, you can do it but for better results, this is not the way to go. If you are planning for tomorrow, do it today.The idea is to ensure that once you wake up, you immediately know what yo u are to do. This is very crucial because the first hours of the day are important since your brain is fresh. If you therefore waste that time, you will feel lazy and unmotivated before it’s noon.3. Wrong prioritiesThis is so much a problem that it affects not only your work but your life in general. If you can’t prioritize well, then your life will generally bear the brunt of the busy life you live.You will spend time everyday living and before you know it, the year is over and you have no achievements to brag about.If you cannot decide what is important, then you will strive to do everything. Unfortunately, you will do nothing meaningful to propel you towards your life’s goals. You may start many tasks but finish none. This is regardless of how skilled you are.One word that gets thrown around often when discussing priorities is multitasking. To some, this is the one most essential skill if you are seeking success. The argument goes like this: “Since there are so many thing s to be done, if I juggle them well enough, I will finish them all.â€Science, a reasonably reliable adviser, points out that the mind cannot function like a computer. Whereas computers can multitask, you can’t. The nature of your working memory operates significantly differently from that of computers.Although computers can handle multitasking well, your brain will easily get tired at the constant shuffling of ideas and operations in and out of your concentration. If you cannot prioritize your tasks, you will not be able to utilize your resources (mind, time etc) well.Prioritizing your workSetting priorities is certainly a challenging tasks in itself. You are not sure whether a task is urgent or important. Or both. This can lead to confusion yet as you are thinking about the differences, time is moving.There is however a very simple and helpful way of setting priorities. This method is mainly known as a way of beating procrastination. It’s called the Eisenhower Box method. You may recognize the name resembling that of a former US president, Dwight Eisenhower (October 14, 1890 â€" March 28, 1969).He is the man credited with this method of prioritizing tasks. With a very successful career in the army and a highly productive life, he ended up becoming the 34th president of the United States.This method breaks tasks into four categories:Urgent and important tasks (to be done immediately)Important, but not urgent (to be scheduled for later)Urgent, but not important (to be delegated to someone else)Neither urgent nor important (tasks to be eliminated) Use this method to categorize the tasks you have and deal with them accordingly. Commit to it and though you may struggle categorizing everything at first, you will soon see the benefits.Having unreasonable listsAs though having distractions and wrong planning aren’t enough problems, you could also be having very long lists. These lists could be long due to the inclusion of some unnecessary activities like havin g breakfast or taking a shower.Primarily, there is nothing wrong with such activities. However, they will make your list be too long for your brain’s comfort. When you look at that list in the morning, you will quickly get tired instead of being motivated to strike off the completed tasks.Purpose to shrink your list to the minimum. Tasks which are a no-brainer should be avoided. For example, the possibilities are low that your body won’t remind you of the need to take breakfast. An empty stomach will faithfully kick-start the communication.With a trimmed list, you look at it in the morning and immediately see the possibility of finishing all the tasks. You will see the possibility since you only have a few things to accomplish. This early morning motivation will get you ready to go through the day.HOW TO MAKE YOUR TO-DO LIST WORKIt can be disappointing to be unable to make use of a tool which is supposed to help you stay on top of your own game. But as always, there is a way out . Below we look at the measures you can take to change the situation.Use only one listIn an effort to achieve maximum productivity, you may have heard and followed the advice of separating work from life. This is a good advice, though not very practical. What is meant is that what happens at home stays at home and what happens at work stays at work.When it comes to your To-Do lists, there is some logic in this. However, your mind will fall short of following this logic after some time. With a list for home, work, while on the road etc, you will have too many lists which require your attention.What happens is that you may not be able to finish all you were to do before leaving for work. You get to work already with some level of pressure that you have to compensate for the time lost.This stress will obviously affect your work and together with the reasons stated above for your list failing, you won’t be able to complete your work list.You will probably get home quite frustrated and not happy with yourself. You pick your home list and try getting through it and all you have is more stress. You will really have little success and possibly more stress. Unfinished tasks are a sure source of stress.When you use one list for all your tasks, you benefit from having a central point of reference. Whether you are at home or at work, everything is on one list. Put your attention on that one list and you will be just fine.This helps you have a more peaceful time at work. You do not have to worry about other things awaiting your precious attention elsewhere. If those things are not on this particular list, then they are irrelevant.This will also help you keep things in perspective. You see, when you have several lists, each one may have five tasks on it. If you have only two lists, then you have ten tasks to perform on that day.As you handle one list, you may think to yourself that five things are not many yet in reality, you have ten items to cross off.If you were to hav e one list and put all the ten items on it, you will realize that there are many tasks to be worked on. You will then be prompted to either remove some tasks or reschedule them. Or delegate some. This increases your chances of finishing the day’s tasks.Use the 1-3-5 ruleThis rule advises that for every day, you should have one big task, three medium-sized ones and five small ones. It builds on the fact that you will find it easier doing smaller tasks. Once these are done, several medium-size ones won’t be a big problem.And of course, you will only be able to successfully tackle one big problem on any given day.This rule makes things easier especially because it is the bigger tasks that provide the biggest challenges. Used right, this rule can offer you the much-needed relief and joy of finishing your tasks at work.Whatever your position, you can easily categorize your tasks accordingly. The small ones, for example, replying to emails and proof-reading a report, can be handled in probably one hour.The medium-sized ones could be tasks like having a small meeting with your staff, interviewing an intern, getting some reports from the system etc. These are tasks which will typically take around twenty to thirty minutes each. When you put them together, you may need two hours to complete them.Lets say you spend eight hours at work everyday, including lunch. You have spent three hours already, now you remain with around four hours. If you commit this time to your big task, you will likely finish it before the end of the day.The beauty of this rule is that you can still break the big tasks into smaller sub-tasks and apply the same rule to them. However, it is important at this point to remember that you are handling one big task. That means that you cannot leave any of the new small tasks hanging. They are all connected and are part of a bigger picture. The rule will in this case be an aid to help you complete the big task.Have a ‘Done’ listTalking about To-Do lists, you can also make use of a ‘Done’ list. This is essentially a list of the tasks you have completed. It is quite similar to simply crossing off the finished tasks.This comes in to help you reflect on your success. If you had ten items on your To-Do, then you should ideally have ten on your ‘Done’ list. This is your trophy, the proof of your success.If you only have seven items in your ‘Done’ list, then it means you fell short by three tasks. You can then look back to understand what brought about this result. You therefore get an opportunity to review your performance.What you see as the reason for not finishing your tasks is what you will now strategize on dealing with. Efficiency is always an outcome of reviews and improvements.To help you out on this, here is a great tool to use in this digital age. The To-Do Prime To-Do list software will help you in coming up with a ‘Done’ list by doing it for you. Since it can be hectic creating two different lists while working fast to achieve your goals, this app covers you.It has categories on the left and what is pending is listed under the ‘Inbox’ category. Once a task has been completed, it is moved to a section labeled ‘Completed.’ Since all this information is available on the same window, it is easy to see your progress at the end of the day.Use the timeboxing methodThe timeboxing method is the greatest addition you can have to your To-Do list. In fact, if you’re not sure about what changes to make to your To-Do lists, go with this one. No matter what other change you do, this one will still be relevant and useful.Timeboxing works by defining a period of time in which you will work on each specific task. If your list has five items, depending on how big the tasks are, you start by estimating the time it could take to finish each one.With these estimations, block some time off so as to know that you will start working on a task at a certain time and finish by a certain time. An ex ample of this is shown below:Task No.Task NameTime EstimateTime Allocation1Bake bread (for b/fast)1 hour7:00 â€" 8:00 AM2Physiotherapy session1.5 hours9:00 â€" 10:30 AM3Reply to emails1 hour11:00 â€" 12:00 PM4Analyze weekly sales1.5 hours1:00 PM â€" 2:30 PM5Prepare report (presentation)2 hours3:00 PM â€" 5:00 PMYou will notice some margins in the time allocation. These will be discussed below. This is however a simple example of how timeboxing can be used.When you set aside time for a specific task, your mind becomes aware of something that is coming up. And since it is not merely in your mind, the chances of remembering are increased. Also, anything that is written stays in memory longer than what is simply noted in the mind.Technology comes in handy to help you remember what you should be working on. PC or Mac programs have To-Do softwares which include a reminder and a snooze button. After you set a task and its time allocation, the alarm will notify you when it’s time to work on it.Of course you can also use the old computer alarm together with a handwritten To-Do list. When you hear the alarm, you know what you should be doing. If you don’t know, well, you check your list. The important thing is that you got notified about time.Most of the To-Do list apps out there also feature a version for IOS and Android smartphones. This is helpful because it ensures that wherever you are, as long as you’re either at your desk or with your phone, you will get notified of what you should be doing.Plan for the unexpectedRemember we mentioned earlier that one of the reasons you don’t complete the tasks in your To-Do lists is distractions?It is very difficult, maybe even impossible, to completely get rid of distractions. To do this, you will probably need to live somewhere alone in a cave, away from all civilization. Yet you could still be distracted by the weather, a wild animal etc. There will always be distractions.So how do you deal with them?By planning for t hem. Yes, plan to be distracted.When you set aside time for distractions, you are not planning to knowingly distract yourself. You are preparing a soft landing for yourself in case distractions come your way. You can see this in practice in the above timeboxing example.For instance, most physiotherapy sessions last 1 hour. But just in case the therapist decides to ask some questions to find out how much progress has been achieved, then the conversation is covered. That way, there won’t be need to freak out and get anxious at the thought of getting to work late.Still, emails don’t have to take 1 hour to reply. They could as well take 30 minutes. But just in case the boss calls for a meeting which will last half an hour, that time gets covered too.CONCLUSIONThe one thing to note in all this is that you should take charge of your time. Try as much as possible to have your work clarified to avoid confusion, which leads to time wastage.Adopting these changes to your To-Do lists will bring you joy as you experience the success of using this productivity tool.
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