Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Corporal Images
First and foremost, it is of dire importance to draw a distinction between appearing to be ethical and actually using ethical considerations. There has been an attempt by several corporations to appear to be ethical. In these instances there has only been an effort to reach an immediate goal of prosperity. Of course this will work in the short run but in a sophisticated society â€Å"fake†will not survive. With the advances in technology and the increase of information, we as a community are becoming better informed. It is only a matter of searching and gathering the facts to make the decisive decision of proceeding with a certain company. In current times the line dividing truly ethical considerations and appearing to be ethical are becoming much easier to distinguish but in several cases are still unclear. In practice ethical considerations lead to a decrease in friction within the public domain. In other words, less conflict will arise between private individuals and corporations when ethical behavior is being be experienced. For corporations, social conflict takes place when behavior is seen as wrongful or unethical but in actuality is perfectly legal. Many times this leads to calls for boycotts from churches or other organizations. Whether the public demonstrates in front of the gates, charitable organizations set up wailing walls, or the media uses pressure through critical reporting, this will mean a definite loss in social recognition of the company in question. Kathy Lee Gifford fell victim to the media a couple years ago when her clothing company was caught abusing child labor laws in factories abroad. Whether this leads to a fall in the share price or there is a measurable loss in sales are of secondary importance. Criticism â€Å"from the outside†generally means that the management role is taken up with defensive activity and therefore not free for the shaping of the future. In the Kathy Lee Gifford case and as in many other cases, the issue faded and disappeared with time. Many economist have said that the most intelligent corporations forbid dealings that could provoke negative social reactions. On the other hand , there is steady increase in evidence that shows a corporation's â€Å"image†can become a competitive advantage when used as a tool of propaganda. This method of approach can in some circumstances be used to gain market advantages as it did for a local fast food chain in California. Jack in the Box was convicted of not entirely cooking their hamburgers which in turn was infecting children with salmonella poisoning. Due to the conviction and the attention from the media, the fast food restaurant was put under strict regulation. In other words, the new enforcement of regulation was a safeguard against the consumption of salmonella. Many individuals saw this as a benefit and as a result wanted to eat at Jack in the Box. This can be a positive market advantage where a corporation gains the attention from negative issue but can in the long run gain a larger market. Another example practiced in the Unites States, is where a number of companies that are not only environmentally exemplary but go beyond the minimum legal requirements. Other costs can arise through conflict with one's employees. The fact that a company is the focus of public criticism can have disastrous results for morale and job satisfaction within a corporation. In the long-term, this can lead to valuable employees looking for other work and leaving the corporation. This can be a detriment when a business is trying to establish itself as reliable As employees are a corporation's most valuable â€Å"capital†, this alone is reason enough why unethical conduct cannot lie in a corporation's interests. Various studies have shown a positive correlation between ethical conduct in a corporation and job satisfaction. Where top management is seen as giving strong support for ethical consideration, job satisfaction increase together with the degree of employee identification with the corporation. Everything points to the conclusion that a positive reciprocal relationship exists between â€Å"job satisfaction†and â€Å"ethical conduct†. The ethical considerations of a corporations play a role in the entirety of value systems, thought and decision patterns, methods of behavior, and structures within a corporation that often emanates a feeling of togetherness and thus boosts motivation to work. The role of the corporation within the community can also reinforce an employees behavior. A business that has been plagued with a negative reputation or considered to be â€Å"unethical†within the neighborhood could lower the morale of its employees. On the other hand, behavior that prompts customers to buy and motivates investors to purchase shares is looked upon with pleasure and pride can also reinforce employees' positive identification. A great example of this can be recognized in San Diego, California. Qualcomm in recent years has become one of the most prominent and successful companies among customers and its community. Not only does this corporation hold a large majority of San Diego employment but it also holds the name of the stadium. Its reputation within the city has given the employees a sense of pride for whom they are working. What Jakob Burckhardt formulated for individuals can also be applied to corporations: they are not just what they are, but also what hey have set themselves as ideals. Even if they do not emulate these to their capacity, a part of their being is marked by the mere fact of wanting to. There are a number of indications that show corporations whose practice ethical conduct are considered as more attractive employers than those which have been publicly criticized due to failure to recognize their responsibilities to the welfare of the community and the environment. A poll taken from Business Week revealed that 88% regard â€Å"work satisfaction†, 67% a â€Å"good working atmosphere†, and 66% a â€Å"job that makes sense†as important criterion in choosing an employer. These are all factors which can hardly be true of companies where Green peace demonstrates in front of the factory gates or churches call for a boycott. Corporations are now no longer measured on what hey produce, but on what they present. The strength of many trends can instantly change at the blink of an eye, especially when the labor market spreads hopelessness for those seeking a career. But an increasing number of individuals, whether as employees or consumers, are taking ethical viewpoints more seriously that 10 or 20 years ago. The next question we should ask ourselves is, why has this happened. Why are we as a society increasing our ethical considerations with corporations? One answer that was stated before is with the increase of information, we as a society are becoming more knowledgeable of our decisions. We are enabling ourselves to make more â€Å"ethical†decisions based on the whims of a corporation. Many of those with responsibility in corporations are complaining about an increase in an already too thick jungle of laws, stipulations, and directives. Commercial freedom, the complaint goes on, can no longer exist within the ever narrower thread of state regulations – too many rules endanger the economic success. There is a great deal of evidence that such complaints have set forth the idea that â€Å"less state†can have an enlivening effect on corporate commitment. Freedom is, however, always an ethical duty and may thus be demanded on only as a correlate of responsibility. Anyone who wishes to help avoid further criticism and correct inappropriate behavior must offer legitimate proof of ethically responsible conduct. Back to the example of fast-food restaurant, Jack in the Box, in order to continue serving the public they were required to prove they cooking their meats to full capacity. They had to provide evidence of corrected demeanor as well as compensation. Ethically responsible corporate dealings mean dealings beyond the status quo, active shaping, and forward-looking ethical balance. Minimal will not do in a society whose wants and needs are infinite. A corporation must not only meet but exceed regulations. Whoever maintains a running battle on current law to defend positions that might have been based on a regulations many years ago but which are now regarded as â€Å"wrongful†and will be even more so in the future, is not being business like but negligent. Such companies that support those social forces will demand tighter controls and more state intervention. Innovation, efficiency, effectiveness, the ability to utilize market potential optimally, recognize the signs of the times, and the art of saving costs and expense in the right place at the right time will continue to be of great importance alongside all the other corporate virtues. However, an additional element will gain in significance: business ethics. It will become more and more a new, solid basis for competitive ability, breaching the limits of classical markets. The more wealthy a society is, the more significant non-material values become. Corporations that act in a visibly ethical way will be preferred by informed consumers more and more. This will become a problem for those corporations that ignore moral aspects, and for other it will be an opportunity to get to the very top.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Health and safety and responses to emergencies in a care setting
M3: Discuss health, safety or security concerns arising from a specific incident or emergency in a health or social care setting. D2: Justify responses to a particular incident or emergency in a health and social care setting. Incidents can occur wherever and whenever. It is important that you know how to deal with incidents because it could save a person’s life. One incident that could occur is aggressive and dangerous encounters. This could happen in a care home where the patient has a mental illness or dementia, so it could lead to them being abusive towards staff. When working in a care home, staff members should be aware of what triggers the aggressive behaviour for each individual so it will prevent you from making it happen. When dealing with aggressive behaviour, your priority should be your own safety because the patient could easily hit you so you should respond to this quickly, keeping yourself safe. The way a carer should respond to this is by firstly calling for help because if you stay on your own with the patient, they could physically hurt you so it is important to have someone there as a witness in case something does happen. This should be the first priority because it is not safe staying on your own and if you don’t do this response it could be a risk to you and also no one will be there to witness anything if the patient does hurt you. Having someone else there may calm the situation down. If no one is available to come you the second thing you should do is move back from the patient and try to calm them down, but this will not always work, if the patient doesn’t calm down or gets angrier then you should immediately move away from the situation so the patient can calm down on their own this is important because if you don’t move away it could make them angrier and cause them to lash out. As a carer you should know when to walk away from the situation to stop it from escalating. After you have walked away, the last step should be to report it to the senior staff members or the manager so they could log it in the report book this is because all staff members will be aware of that person and if it happens again they will maybe be prepared and will know it’s happened before. It is important to inform everyone about this so they are aware when they are caring for that person. The first thing and the most important thing to do is call for help. This is because you cannot stay on your own as the patient may not listen to you. It is always best to have someone else so you have a witness. The extra member of staff may be able to calm the situation down by talking to the patient. If you are on your own it will be quite intimidating and scary, as you may not know how to deal with it so it is easier to have someone else with you. These responses should be done in that order and effectively because it is a safer way to deal with the individual and also it will keep other people safe in the care home. You should record it because if you don’t it means no one will be aware of it unless you tell them but it is formal and a legislation to record it as it is proof. If family members, ask to see their record they will be aware of it and know all details about it. It is easy for carers to forget details about the incident so it is important to record it. Read also Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet A concern that could arise from aggressive and dangerous encounters is the patients could hurt themselves if they do get angry and violent. This is dangerous and it could cause serious injuries depending on what they do. You should inform other residents to stay away from this patient to keep themselves safe. This is because patients may try to speak to the aggressive resident. This might influence the responses because normally you would walk away if they are being aggressive however, if they are going to hurt themselves you should not walk away as the carer will need to try stopping them. You should call for help because you will not be able to deal with it yourself and make sure no sharp objects are around the patient or any other objects that could potentially hurt them. This should be a quick response to deal with the situation because having sharp objects around that particular resident can be a massive risk, so if you quickly respond to it then it could reduce the incident from escalating. It will change the responses to the emergency because the patient will be a threat to you and to everyone else within the care home. The patient should be moved away from everyone else and should be accompanied by a carer. This is because it will give them a chance to calm down without creating a scene and it will not put other residents at risk as it could scare them. It is important to not let them be alone as anything could happen so leaving them with a carer is important as they can keep an eye on the patient and make sure they do not do anything to harm themselves. A critical incident like falling unconscious can happen anytime in a care home with the elderly patients. For example, if they have diabetes or low sugar, it can cause them to be unconscious, as their body will need sugar. In addition, if the place is too hot they can fall unconscious from dehydration. It is important to look out for symptoms to prevent it from happening. Symptoms like headaches, dizziness, slurred speech, confusion and a fast heartbeat. If a patient says they have any of these symptoms, you should not ignore it as it could lead to a serious injury. Having a seizure or a stroke can happen at any time, which can also cause unconsciousness; in this case, it is a care home with elderly residents who go out on a trip out to a shopping centre. So if an elderly patient has a seizure/stroke whilst walking in a shopping centre they will fall unconscious so it is important to respond to this situation straight away. The first thing you should do is check if they are breathing, if they are not which they won’t be if they are unconscious. The reason why you have to check if they are breathing first is because there are different procedures you have to take for example if they are breathing you should put them in a recovery position but if they are not breathing you need to perform CPR on the individual. Emergency services (999) should be called immediately so they can provide medical help. Whilst waiting for them it is important to keep performing CPR until they arrive because it could potentially save the residents life. It is important to follow this response effectively because the emergency services are professionals who know how to deal with this situation so they can provide better care. The steps for CPR are: * Place the heel of your hand on the breastbone at the centre of the person’s chest. Place your other hand on top of your first hand and interlock your fingers. * Position yourself with your shoulders above your hands. * Using your body weight (not just your arms), press straight down by 5–6cm on their chest. * Repeat this until an ambulance arrives. This is for people who have not been fully trained on how to perform CPR. The people that have had training for CPR and are dealing with this situation they should do CPR with rescue breaths. The steps for this are: * Place the heel of your hand on the centre of the person's chest, then place the other hand on top and press down by 5–6cm at a steady rate, at approximately 100 compressions per minute. * After every 30-chest compressions, give two breaths. * Tilt the casualty's head gently and lift the chin up with two fingers. Pinch the person’s nose. Seal your mouth over their mouth and blow steadily and firmly into their mouth. Check that their chest rises. Give two rescue breaths. * Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until they begin to recover or emergency help arrives. (NHS CHOICES, 14/07/2015) You should also keep calling the patient because they may respond and also to reassure them that they are in safe hands. If you did not do this response you would not know if the patient is able to respond and also the patient may feel like they’re on their own so it is important to keep talking to them so they know they are in safe hands. You should always remain calm when dealing with a situation like this and make sure your priority is the person’s life you are trying to save. The reason for this is because if you are under pressure and worrying it may distract you from helping the person and it could lead to you not performing CPR effectively. If people are surrounding the environment, you must tell them to move away and keep the area clear. It is important to respect the patient’s dignity because other people in the shopping centre may be overlooking to see what is happening. Always put a blanket or something over them to make sure nothing is exposed. This is because it may embarrass the patient once they are conscious and could make them feel uncomfortable if they find out everyone has been looking at them. Once the ambulance has come it is then their responsibility to take over and save the person. Once you get back to the care home it is important to record the accident because it is a legislation that should be followed correctly. You should also record it because all staff members will be aware of what caused it and how it happened which means they can be prepared in case it happens again. The most important response is to make sure the airway is clear; this is because it will stop them from breathing and it also means you will not be able to perform CPR if the patient’s airway is blocked. These respo nses should be followed correctly and effectively because it could safe the patients life. A concern that could arise from an elderly patient falling unconscious is theft during the emergency. Because the patient has fell unconscious in a shopping centre on a trip, your attention will be on the patient and trying to save them so it will require you to put your things down. This will make it easy for someone to steal your things which will create a bigger emergency as the person may not be found and could potentially steal your valuable items. This thief could be a stranger who is walking past the incident. This is a concern that would need different responses because it will be difficult to deal with a patient and a theft. You should ask someone to keep an eye on your things whilst you look after the patient, this way no one can steal your things. All onlookers should be asked to move away however, in this case a person who is looking could save valuable items from being stolen and also the thief could be caught. A shopping centre is a busy place so if your attention is on the patient a stranger could come and steal your valuables. The responses will change because you will be dealing with 2 incidents instead of one. To prevent any thefts, you should keep your things close to you or call someone to guard your items. This will stop people from thinking they can steal items. Getting someone to guard your items and to be aware of thief’s can be a good thing because it means your items will be protected however, it could also be a bad thing because it could make the patient feel uncomfortable when they are conscious because they may feel embarrassed. Another concern that could occur is the patients may hurt themselves when they fall unconscious. It could lead to them hurting their head, which can cause serious head injuries for example a blood clot in the brain. This will require further assistance and responses that are more complicated that the professionals will deal with so 999 should be called immediately. You should try to stop any severe bleeding to stop the emergency from escalating.
Suffolk County Legislators
Today, we are in an age where local government is extremely important. Each county of every state has elected legislators that represent town throughout that county. I have selected two legislators which are both republican. The first is Cameron Alden a 49 year old man that represents the greater Bay Shore Area. He is also on the Conservative and Independence lines. The second legislator is Angie Carpenter, a very nice lady, that represents West Islip. Cameron Alden was born on August 28, 1950, in Bay Shore and grew up in Islip, Long Island, New York. He graduated Islip High School in 1968, where he played varsity football, basketball and baseball. Mr. Alden graduated from Suffolk County Community College in 1970 with an AA degree. He was a member of the SCCC varsity baseball team. Mr. Alden graduated from Dowling College in 1974. He was a member of the Pi Alpha Sigma Honor Society and played varsity basketball and golf Mr. Alden attended Tuoro Law School, graduating in 1990 with a Juris Doctor. He was admitted to the New York State Bar in 1991. ( Prior to attending Law School he was a local Bay Shore business owner. A catering/grocery store and school bus companies were among those he owned. ( Alden chose community-development work after undergoing a mastectomy during a bout with male breast cancer in law school, which â€Å"totally changed my focus†to an interest in public service.(Interview) He practiced law at the Town of Islip Community Development Agency, which provides affordable housing and economic development projects in the Town of Islip. He is a former Assistant Town Attorney for the Town of Islip. Cameron Alden was elected to serve as a Legislator for the Tenth District and sworn into office January 2, 1998. Legislator Alden has been selected by his colleagues to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Parks/Land Preservation and Planning Committee. In addition Legislator Alden is a member of the Energy/Environment and Transportation, Health and Human Services, Public Works, and Finance Committees. ( The 10th Suffolk County Legislative District (L.D.) serves Islip, East Islip, Bay Shore and Brentwood. There are 52 election districts (E.D.s) with 33,058 registered voters. ( Alden says his primary focus would be to ease the burdens on taxpayers. A critic of the LILCO-LIPA deal, Alden admits he does not yet have many specific legislative initiatives but says he is the better candidate because his fiscal policies would be more conservative. (Interview) Currently Cameron is working on a proposed bill that would support the elimination of taxes on clothing in Suffolk county. This proposed bill would enable signs 6to be erected throughout Nassau asking consumers to come shop in Suffolk due to its no lax bill as long as the clothing items are under one hundred and ten dollars. He has also worked on such other bill like trying to raise the salaries of Suffolk county legislators because he fells they are underpaid. Mr. Alden does not really receive a large amount or Pac money from anyone but he does have many supporters. These supporters include the Police and other safety bureaus and also many factory unions. (Interview) Angie Carpenter was born on Long Island in the mid fifties and is currently happily married and a mother of two. (Interview) Angie's dedication to the community is what led to her nomination to run for the Legislature, a position she has held since February 1993. (Interview) Legislator Angie M. Carpenter is founder of ACT Communications Group, a full-service advertising and marketing company specializing in multi-media graphic design and printing. The business is currently run by her sons Richard and Robert enabling her to devote her attention full-time to her duties as an elected official in Suffolk Government, but still affording her the opportunity to remain sensitive to the concerns of the business community. ( Angie continues to devote her time and efforts to her community and constituents. As former Chairman of the Legislature's Economic Development and Education Committee, Angie Carpenter worked to bring the Touro School of Health Services to downtown Bay Shore which is opening early in 1999. She has worked tirelessly to increase aid to Suffolk Community College, and led the fight to cut tuition costs so that the college is affordable for all of our residents. ( She continues in her role as an avid supporter of the college and is extremely proud of the fact that the fastest growing campus of Suffolk County Community College is in her legislative district. Angie worked from the beginning, to see the construction of the $54 million-dollar Health and Technology Building scheduled to be completed in the Fall Semester of 2000 (Interview). Angie has almost served every committee during her tenure on the Suffolk County Legislature. Currently Angie is serving as the Legislature's Budget Committee Chairman, and Vice Chairman of the Public Safety Committee. She continues to serve as a member of the Economic Development and Education Committee, Budget Committee, Consumer Protection, Labor and Investigations, and Veterans and Seniors, as well as the Public Safety Committee, Parks, Planning and Land Preservation Committee, the Health and Human Service Committee, Sports Committee, and the Public Works Committee. ( In the past, Angie has helped in implementing a mass transportation public information program for Suffolk County, enacted a linked Deposit Program to promote local business expansion, directed the County Health Department to provide free testing for prostate cancer and cosponsored a resolution to provide environmentally safe golf course management to help protect our groundwater and hopefully help reduce the risk of breast cancer. ( She has made efforts to invest in the county†s Timber Point Golf Course to maximize its economic potential and preserve jobs for the county workers employed there. (Interview) Most recently, Angie co-sponsored legislation to rollback sales tax on clothing and shoe purchases under on hundred and ten dollars per item. Angie has also sponsored a resolution to â€Å"boot†the vehicles of deadbeat parents that are not complying with the child support payments. This â€Å"booting†of cars is huge lock that goes over the tire and wheel and makes automobile impossible to drive. A resolution that Angie sponsored last year now requires the Suffolk County Health department to hold annual Public Hearing and Health Fair. This gives government an opportunity to hear first hand from our residents about the County†s health care delivery system and also raises public awareness or what is available. (Interview) Over the years, Angie's commitment to her community has been recognized time and again with honors from Islip Town, Boy Scouts of America, Loyal Order of the Moose, The American Legion, Pronto, Zonta International, the West Islip and Bay Shore School Districts and Suffolk County Arts Council, to name a few. She has been involved in the community as President and founder of the Chamber Council of Islip Town, President of the West Islip Chamber of Commerce, Vanderbilt Museum Trustee, Board of Our Lady of Consolation, Salvation Army, Youth Enrichment Services and ASK US (an after school care program in West Islip). ( Angie has dedicated her efforts to the growth and expansion of business here in Suffolk. She has brought education to the forefront as one of the many issues addressed under her leadership, and continues her unwavering commitment to her family, community, and those she was elected to serve. ( She receives her support from many people including the Police, the Suffolk County UNE, and many other unions countywide. (Interview) Legislators, Cameron and Angie are very willing to do what their people are asking for and sacrifice a lot of their time to make their residents happy. In my own opinion I think Angie Carpenter is a better Legislator than Cameron Alden because I feel Angie had sponsored and produced more bills than he has and in my eyes she is a nicer and more heart worthy person.
Monday, July 29, 2019
A study of online shopping behaviour of Thai generation Y consumers in Essay
A study of online shopping behaviour of Thai generation Y consumers in Thailands retail fashion industry - Essay Example Accordingly, this study concentrates on how independent variables, such as advertisement and promotion influences online shopping behaviour of consumers. Studies, such as Lin (2007), Haig (2001), Moschis & Churchill (1978), Chawla (n.d.), also argued that these components are quite vital when determining the purchase intent of the consumers. While these studies and many others assessed during the literature review did not put much emphasis on indicating the influence of price on the consumer decision-making to purchase fashion products. It was in this context that the gap was mitigated with the help of primary research, wherein the findings from focus group interview revealed price to be a major factor in determining the customer purchase behaviour. On the basis of the conceptual framework, it is vital to develop a hypothesis in order to evaluate the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables. Henceforth, two hypotheses have been conducted for evaluating the relationship between dependent and independent variables by using the Statistical Test namely Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient as mentioned in Methodology part. In this first section, descriptive statistics are employed for analysing the primary data of the respondents demographic profiles. In descriptive analysis, the raw data are presented in terms of frequency and percentage. These data include demographic information, namely gender, income and age. The table above displays that there were 144 male participants which were the percentage of 45 of 100 and there were 176 female participants or 55% in this survey. Thus, the total number of respondents who was observed for this research was 320. From Table 4.1b, it can be seen that the largest monthly income earned was the group between 10,000 29,999.99 baht or equivalent to  £150 - 450 for 170 respondents or 53.1%, the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Understanding of the Chinese traditional value Essay
Understanding of the Chinese traditional value - Essay Example Here, Rationale means to act based on objective truths and laws. Propriety implies suitability or appropriateness. The Chinese traditional value of harmony calls for â€Å"harmony but not uniformity.†coordinating dissimilar things to achieve an appropriate combination and thus move â€Å"from uncoordinated situation to one of coordination; from asymmetry to symmetry; and from imbalance to balance.†(Pan, pg 54) The contemporary Chinese society has put up a strong fight to ensure the maintenance of harmony between individuals and society; between nature and human beings; between communities; and between the mind and the body. This work details the Chinese traditional values with regard to parenting and goes further to compare these values with those forming the western culture. Talking about Chinese parenting, one will not miss to mention words such as strict, controlling and authoritarian. This is well established, especially, when we consider the example given by Amy Chua, a professor in law, who in the recent years candidly opened up her story of how she raised her daughters as a "Tiger Mother." A study by psychologists that sought to establish why Chinese parents were so much controlling found a strong attachment of the parent’s authoritarianism to their traditional values, particularly the one relating to obedience. Parents believe have been found to strongly influence the parenting style preferred not only in china but also in other parts of the world. Comparison between the Chinese parenting values and those of western countries, gives a wide divergence. Such is the case that these values differ not only with regard to family customs, but also the goals set for the children. Having said that lets now consider some of the values as it relates to the two worlds. Parenting style refers to a general scheme that describes how much response and control a parent directs towards his/her children. A study
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Explaining religious terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Explaining religious terrorism - Research Paper Example The number of terrorist organizations and individuals involved and those willing to be involved in it have been on the rise. Various studies and observations have shown that terrorism is highly linked to religion. This explains why religious terrorism is considered to be the leading aspect of terrorism (Burke 40). Particularly, Islam has been associated with terrorism to a greater extent compared to other religions. This can be attributed to the argument that many of terrorism groups are comprised of people who subscribe to the Islamic religion, as well as led by leaders who subscribe to Islamic doctrine. There is a perception which was inspired by terrorist leaders such as Osama bin Laden that the entire Muslim world is international terrorism victim (Combs 65). In the modern world, terrorism in the name of religion has become the political violence’s predominant model (Perry and Howard 18). While this is the case, it should be noted that there are other models for political violence including ideology and nationalism which remain as potent catalysts for political violence and extremist behaviors. Nonetheless, religious extremism is predominantly the main issue for the global community in respect to terrorism and political violence (Martin 130). It has increased in frequency, global reach, and scale of violence in the modern era. This situation is simultaneous with the decline in secular terrorism. The vigorous and new infusion of religious extremism and sectarian ideologies has challenged the old ideologies of anti-colonial liberation, secular nationalism, and class conflict that were the basis for political violence. Extremist support in the grassroots level for religious support has been the most widespread particularly among popu lations living in repressive societies that do not allow expression of dissent or demand for reforms (Stern 94). Religious terrorism can be defined as a form of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Cats and Dogs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cats and Dogs - Assignment Example Actually, dogs are considered to be the descendents from wolves. It is widely held that dogs have evolved from the wolves which had made their entry to the northern hemisphere in search for foods. Cats, on the other hand, find its origin in the Felidae family. It is believed that cats have been evolved around 12 millions years ago. (Carney, 2011) A major physiological difference between cats and dogs is that the sense of hearing is better among cats compared to dogs. The hearing part of their body has been created in such a way that they can hear the kittens as well as the rodents’ ultrasonic sounds. (Carney, 2011) The sense of smell is much better among dogs than cats. Dogs generally have wet noses which help in dissolving the scent molecules and thus help them in detecting those smells that can not be perceived by any human being. Hence, dogs are used to catch criminals by the police forces across the countries. Cats do not possess such characteristics. (Carney, 2011) Dogs are considered to be the most loyal creature. Dogs are very faithful to their masters. Dogs obey their master’s orders instantly. Dogs are also very protective about their masters. Cats, on the other hand, are regarded as one of the most independent and distrustful creatures. Although, cats are quite responsive to their owners than the strangers, but they are not as loyal as dogs to their masters. (Carney, 2011) The cat lovers very often argue that dogs are more expensive to maintain than cats. Dogs need substantial grooming and special types of foods to make them healthy and look good. Cats, on the other hand, do not need such maintenance costs. One needs only a little box, some toys and a food bowl for a cat. While dogs need regular bath, it is not quite necessary for cats to be bathed frequently as cats are quite efficient in taking care of their personal hygiene. (Carney, 2011) Dogs are considered to wonderful companion for human being as they form a habit of adjusting
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Money Management Midterm-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Money Management Midterm-1 - Essay Example It is imperative to note that, the insurance companies are obliged to make regular and lifelong payments until the holder dies (Brealey & Myers, 1997). Consider the formula of calculating life annuity returns Payout= P*R*(1+R) exponent N/ (1+R) Whereby P is the principal, R interest rate and payout refers to the periodic payment. Take a percentage interest of 6% and use the annuity calculator for easy calculation. For a single life annuity, fixed amount to be paid is 3,333 per month. This adds up to EUR 39,996 annually. Therefore, annual periodic payment would be: A = EUR 39,996 Now I believe that I would need more money than EUR 39,996 annually. There would be different factors that would reduce the value of EUR 39,996 at that time like inflation. Therefore, when I retire and I think EUR 45,000 should be a valuable amount that I would need every year to spend my life happily. In order to have this amount every year, the interest rate should be 7% as calculated using Goal Seek option in Microsoft Excel. The life expectancy and retirement age considered in this context is 70 and 55 years respectively. PART II- SHARE ANALYSIS This part intends to examine and analyze two companies from the investment analysis. Various financial ratios will be applied to analyze the performances of the company. The implication created by the ratios will be used to recommend a suitable company for investors to invest. The two companies intended for analysis for this report are Lockheed Martin Corporation and Altera Corporation. Lockheed Martin Corporation Background information about the company Lockheed Martin is a global leader in providing aeronautics and defense security services. The company is the world’s largest federal contractor of the agency with unique product portfolio. Headquarter of the company is situated in Bethesda, Maryland in Washington Metropolitan Area. The company is present in more than 75 countries. The company has partnership with more than 300 indust ry players across the globe. It employs around 120,000 employees worldwide who include 80,000 scientists, engineers and IT professionals. This research establishes that, Lockheed reported $46.5 billion revenue in 2011 through its portfolio that includes aeronautics, electronics system, IT and global services, and space system. Net Income of the company is $2.65 billion in 2011. Presently, its share price is $93. Financial Ratios of Lockheed Martin Earnings per Share The Earnings per share shows how much return a shareholder is earning for each share (Friedlob and Plewa, 1996). The earnings per share of the Lockheed Martin were 7.81 in 2011. However, the average 3-year EPS growth rate of the stock is zero. Price Earnings Ratio Price Earnings ratio is the calculated by the following formula. Price earnings ratio = the market price per share/ annual earnings per share. A higher P/E of the stock implies that, investors are paying more for earning every dollar consequently; the share bec omes more expensive compared to the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Analysis of Stereotyping Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis of Stereotyping - Article Example This way, they neither challenge nor are challenged by any other person or group. However, building one's own perceptions, ideas and ideals bring new discoveries. Those who believe in self and not in stereotypes prosper. They challenge the norms and make progress. It is commonly believed that females cannot hold the key managerial positions in an organization, because of the false belief that they do not have a strong decision power (Koenig, Eagly, Mitcell, & Ristikari, 2011). On the other hand, history is full of those females who brought a revolution in the world. The most common example is Mary Kay, who initiated a company, in which she hired females for all kinds of jobs, from assistant manager to watch person. Hence in this fashion proved to the world that females can do any work, and demonstrated a strong character and will that is evidence of her strong decision making, thus proving the stereotype of females’ weak decision making. False beliefs are also playing a role o f guiding principles in evaluating the leaders based on their skin color (Carton & Posette, 2011). This bias is based on the deliberately created belief by whites, which explains blacks as distrusting and naive, but in reality, it is not the case. The prominent presence of Nelson Mandela, who fought for the rights of colored people and gained the support of them, through raising voice for their rights, is an example of wrong assumptions developed over time in the society. Leadership is an influence which can come through anybody irrespective of the skin color. So, it is suggested to the believers of this stereotype that, they should learn to evaluate a leader based on his positive influence on people’s lives because it is the true measure of leadership. On the other side, African Americans are wrongly believed to be less talented regarding their educational pursuits, so teachers are found to be less than willing to help them in grasping the concepts that are taught in the cla ssroom (Isaiah, 2011), by neglecting their queries. But research designates them as hardworking and committed towards their education. In the light of this statement, it is suggested to teachers to consider all of their students as equals, because their duty is, polishing the ability among the students, rather than devastating it. At the same time, this kind of behavior will compel these individuals towards taking a road leading to crimes and make them more prone to the risk of becoming criminals. The attitude of teachers has the potential to make or break the career of a student. Conclusion This paper attempts to provide a sufficient amount of logic to counter various false beliefs prevailing in the world community. However, these beliefs are myths and appear to be trivial at best, when analyzed through logical reasoning. Therefore, it is the best interest of humanity to forego these differences of color, gender and race, because after all, we are humans and only that matters. On t he other front, these stereotypes are hindering humanity’s progress, because of lacking synergies between different groups and nations. This paper argues that females are fully capable of demonstrating strong decision making, regardless of the false assumptions on their capabilities. Â
Concert Music Review at San Francisco Conservatory of Music Essay
Concert Music Review at San Francisco Conservatory of Music - Essay Example Finally, ‘Vivace’ is reminiscent of his attachment with Bohemian music. However, the most notable aspect of this composition is the use of the high E, which enlightens the listener of the hardships he has had to face in life. Therefore, ‘From My Life’ is noteworthy of using tones to project different aspects of Smertana’s life. Perhaps the most notable feature of Bela Bartok’s ‘Contrasts’ is the amalgamation of different forms of music, namely the Hungarian, Bulgarian and Romanian flavors. Such a confluence has generally been considered as an innovation of the 20th century in difference with earlier compositions. ‘Contrasts’ therefore reflects towards a deviation from the earlier approaches. The First of the three constituting movements ‘Verbunkos’ alternated between slow and agitated rhythms. The second movement, ‘Piheno’ was added to provide a sense of relaxation while ‘Sebes’ p rovides the balancing off-balance tones. The purpose of involving these three varieties was to induce complex tones by providing subtle variations at various phases. Owing to its different approach, Contrasts was referred to as something away from concert music and instead belonging to the chamber music category. However, the composition is held in high regards as it requires greater technical application and preparation and demands the use of diverse instruments and the quality of the music is further determined by the physical arrangement of the musical group. Contrasts used low E-notes.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Economic Value of Sports on National Development Research Paper - 2
The Economic Value of Sports on National Development - Research Paper Example The mega sporting events are said to be good stimulators of economic growth and development. Sydney and Atlanta Olympics were highly associated with the macro economic development plans of Australia and United States of America respectively and left positive impact on the business environment. Again the business groups that associate with such mega sporting event also gets benefitted through their promotional activities in terms of increased future business potential. Considering the Sydney Olympic Games, the Business Club Australia provided networking opportunities as well as attracted around 16,000 visitors by linking to the Common wealth’s Trade Visitors Program. The sporting events also provide huge economic benefits to the host country through increased tourism. To manage greater number of tourists the infrastructure of a country must be renewed and revitalized. This leads to fresh investment in sectors like transportation, construction etc. This eventually creates higher employment opportunities. In 1999, the Sports Travel Magazine estimated that sports related travel and the tourism market possessed an approximate value of US $ 118.3 billion (Jordan et al, 2011, p. 29). The NBA in the United States of America has also led to the enhancement in the economic forefront with its tremendous popularity and the market has reached out and has spread its influence to Asia as well as in Africa (Abrams, 2010). The economic value of sports can be understood through the fact that economic performance of areas with stadium is better than those without it. Moreover if a popular team is hailed from an area it often reflects through the areas better economic performance; this might be due to more exposure that the concerned area gets through that team in all most all the spheres. However, among the works of some eminent scholars like that of Baade (1994), no such significant
Monday, July 22, 2019
Fast Food Nation Essay Example for Free
Fast Food Nation Essay In this nation, fast food is filling up every ounce of our daily lives. An industry that started with a small innocent number of hamburger and hot dog stands has spread to every corner of the nation and the world. When we are to tired or have no time to make dinner after a long and extremely busy day, fast food restaurants is where we go to get our meals. Not only that, but fast food is now sold at airports, cruise ships, universities, high schools, elementary schools, and even hospitals. With the amount of money spend on fast food increasing every year, many Americans still are not aware or simply just do not care how our beloved fast food is prepared and how it is bad it is for our health. However, after reading the novel, â€Å"Fast Food Nation,†by Eric Schlosser, there is definitely one less American buying fast food for a long while. This book has made me disgusted with not only the food but how Americans could eat fast food with the way it is prepared. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined. Schlosser describes the growth of the fast food industry as being driven by fundamental changes in American society. From the 1970s onwards, with a steady decline in the hourly wage (adjusted for inflation) of the average US worker, more and more American mothers were working outside the home. In 1975, about 1/3 of US mothers with young children did this. Today, almost 2/3 of such mothers are employed. A generation ago, three-quarters of the money used to buy food in the US was spent to prepare meals at home. Today, about half of that money used to buy food is spent in restaurants mainly fast food restaurants (in 1968, McDonalds had 1,000 restaurants; today it has about 30,000, and 2,000 new ones each year).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Exoticism in Art: Picasso and Gauguin
Exoticism in Art: Picasso and Gauguin The Exoticism in the Work of Picasso and Gauguin Ask important critical questions in the text. Intricately merge discussion of the two images Write about two pages on each image Introduction Picasso and Gauguin frequently deal with the ideas and values associated with non-western culture. This dissertation looks at one manifestation of this process: what is often referred to as the ‘exotic. This dissertation will look at what the exotic means, specifically for Picasso and Gauguin. It will examine why they were drawn to the idea of the exotic and how they made it their own. How did they imagine it would make their work more vital, vibrant or vivid? By comparing the exotic nature of the work of Picasso and Gauguin it is possible to see the similarity inherent in their exotic ideals and ignorance of non-western culture, however they differ in relation to how their work evolves and their anarchist views. They heard about Africa through a European centred view which †¦.. This It will be shown that they lusted after an exotic world, and how this emerged from a limited Western society and artistic landscape. A Western society based on the reliance on the myths and colonialist ideals, shaped by the mass-media . media. Exoticism is the allure of a culture different from the artist or viewers own, it is about a fascination for the aesthetics of another culture and a yearning for difference. This notion of ‘difference in a Western artists work represents the fantasy of escape from all forms of Western culture and academic systems of art. Exoticism is a term derived from the location of the ‘Orient, a term used in 19th-century France to denote the Near East and the surrounding areas of Northern Africa and Western Asia.[1] Looking at the imperialist power relation between East and West at the time,[2] the ‘exotic does not merely convey information but actually constructs its subject.[3] It positions the Orient, or the exotic, as the lesser half of a dichotomy where the West holds the power and strength of being ‘normal, the Orient becomes the ‘other in relation to it. The Western artists who created exotic art had the problem not only of their own conventional understandings, but of having to represent non-Western culture and non-Western art itself for Western consumption.[4] French symbolists coped with this by appropriating the distant object of ‘the exotic, by describing it in a familiar language to their society.[5] Picasso was a great exoticist although he never travelled to Africa. He could be called a sedentary Gauguin because where Gauguin travelled himself, Picasso had the exotic nature of Eastern islands brought to him through photographs and writings, creating a type of ‘arm-chair exoticism.'[6] Picasso drew from other works and created his own interpretations. His art has an originality of a practical order, the search for correct material is an art of imitation and distorted variations upon the original.[7] Whereas, Gauguin expands on the myth of Tahiti,[8] emphasizing the ‘exotic and the French preconceptions with a foreign culture. For Gauguin the myth of Tahiti would bring his aims into sharp focus. [9] Picassos ‘African period is termed as falling between 1907-1909, however, after this period his later work was still strongly influenced by Iberian sculpture. Picassos work from the first two decades of the twentieth century will be the prominent focus of this debate, beginning with his first ventures into exoticism during his ‘African period, starting from his first inspirations through African art. Matisse claimed that it was he who introduced Picasso to African art in 1906 when he purchased an African mask [10] and brought it to a dinner party at Gertrude Steins home, who was a good friend of Picassos. Several This is impossible to prove but several of Picassos friends such as Max Jacob vividly remembered Picassos connection to African art: ‘fascinated by the black idols, he had been working all night. Cubism had been born (seckel, 233),.[11] And and in March 1907 there is evidence that he purchased two Iberian sculptured heads, starting his what would eventually grow into an wide extensive and varied collection of African art,.[12] including a large collection of African and Oceanic sculptures and masks. In 1907 he created Les Demoiselles dAvignon which appears to be heavily influenced by African sculpture and was possibly inspired by Picassos visit to the Musee de Trocadero in May or June 1907[13] which housed African masks and sculptures. [14] It is here he is said to have had a ‘revelation about African sculpture.[15] However, Picasso vehemently denied any African influence in his work. In the 1920s when asked if this had an influence on his work he replied â€Å"Lart negre? Connais pas!†(African art? Dont know it!†)[16] For Picasso, African influence was as much a part of social criticism as it was for as a search for a new art.[17] He amassed a large collection of African and Oceanic sculptures and masks†¦ D espite his taste for exoticism from an early age , It it was not until 1891 when Gauguin first arrived in Tahiti that he finally entered his Polynesian period.,[18] despite his taste for exoticism from an early age. In Gauguins day, race provided the predominant intellectual and practical framework in which cultural, linguistic and psychological differences could be examined and expressed; because of its adaptability it was also an effective colonial tool for substantiating any cultural or national hierachy. Gauguin mirrored the typical Nineteenth Century French attitude of Africa; expressing a preference for difference combined with a willful ignorance of historical and cultural practices, marking it as exoticism.[19] Gauguin pursued an interest in travelling and he appeared to have a great desire for difference but until he lived in Tahiti he seemed to have relatively little interest in learning much about the foreign lands and cultures he saw. [20] A lot of the inspiration and influence in their work, that delves into an exotic world was marred by Frances feelings on Eastern culture during this period and how they saw it as ‘primitive. Since the arrival of the European colonial power in Africa from the fifteenth century, the islands were sites of exoticism for Europeans, where fantasies about race, sex and utopian societies could be fulfilled. [21] The artists viewed ‘utopian societies as being about the search for an ideal world; in terms of social, moral and political aspects. In the early 1900s there were utopian visions of a liberal movement which merged with the symbolist movement in art. Anarcho-symbolist ideas helped Picasso form an idea of himself as an artist in a European society and about the virtues of unsophisticated ‘primitive art.[22] The liberation was a revolutionary new struggle for a new society.[23] The European artists first major source of images and information about Africa, would have come through the popular press, itself influenced by fantasy and prejudice. The European prejudice was based on the perceived threat of the minority forces to the tradition European values, coupled with the absence of positive feelings towards them.[24] Political interests also influence the press and this predated actual French contact with urban and tribal populations in Africa and were reinforced by novels and accounts by missionaries, and explorers, often accompanied by fantastic illustrations. To this were added the forced labour and fear in the two congos why, which dominated discussion in late 1905.[25] These elements culminated in modernists minds to form both political outrage and yet essentially romanticized notions about instinct and ‘fetish worship. Explain?! * Summary of each paras to be put at the end of intro. I shall begin by exploring the ‘lure of non-western culture for the artists, why they were inticedenticed by difference and how this influenced their work; the fantasy created by accounts of explorers and how European colonialism influenced their work. In my second chapter I shall explore why they desired sexually primitive women, how they saw them as accommodating the white male bourgeoisie and how they juxtaposed African sexuality against European bourgeois norms. I shall also explore the seemingly different sex codes of the East. In my final chapter I shall create a critical exploration as to what extent they found the exotic nature they were looking for, how it lived up to their expectations and whether it made their work more vital, vibrant and vivid. I shall also explore whether their work showed the ‘true nature of African culture. Chapter 1-The Lure of the Exotic The logic of exoticism is a cycle; the more one is immersed in a culture, the more one discovers sameness and seeks even greater difference. [26] The more Picasso and Gauguin found out about non-western society, the more enticed they became by this foreign culture, leading to it featuring predominantly in their work. The colonialism, fantasy and culture of non-western society offered new means of expression for the artists and are integral in assessing the lure of the exotic for Picasso and Gauguin. I shall also examine why they were enticed by Africa and how the accounts for explorers and knowledge of colonialism influenced them to explore Africa. For Gauguin, Tahiti was a place in which he could fulfill his fantasies, plunging into a free and exotic culture, free from the constraints of his own French culture. He described living in Tahiti as: ‘civilisation is leaving me little by little†¦ ‘I have all the pleasures of a free, animal and human life. I escape from the artificial; I enter into nature. Gauguin wrote this shortly after coming to the island paradise.[27] The anarchist background of Picasso meant that everything to do with Africa was charged with political meaning during this time and leant meaning to their force of Primitivism. The critic Leiris was close to Picasso, and as such strongly influenced and paralleled his thoughts on African Art. He explores the difficulties created by his own relationship as a European to non-European culture, especially Africa. Leiris, in his article ‘LOeil de lethnographe (The Eye of the Ethnographer) he explores the fashion for African art and the exoticism of the Africa of fiction and dreams to explore the absurdities and racial assumptions behind European negrophilia.[28] He feels that the European ideal of Africa will always be about exoticism and fantasy, the real and fantastic, confused between the contradictions of the objective and subjective.[29] Gauguin obviously identified himself in some way with what he imagined to be a ‘savage life. Gauguin saw himself both as the subjugated savage and the dominating conqueror. This is significant because of the period, a time of renewed European colonialism and vigorous debate about imperial policies.[30] Fantasy of the exotic; the traveler is constantly asking to recall the fabled exoticism of ‘primitive cultures. Travelers who ventured in to Africa in the early Nineteenth Century frequently returned with fantastical tales of human sacrifice, cannibalism, violence, sensuality and doom that were made much of in the French press, emphasizing the purported savagery of customs they misconstrued in accordance with their pre-conceptions.[31] Picassos art represented the naà ¯ve fantasy of the ‘Other and was possibly based on the fantastical tales and images brought to France by travelers who had ventured into Africa. Picassos ‘African period of art took inspiration solely from art objects which came to stand in for Africa itself. There is great irony in Picassos work because while he was obsessed with African imagery he never travelled to the continent.[32] African objects became kinds of forces, often unspoken and unlicensed, which he needed in order to break the constraints of modernity. Africa was most useful to Picasso when it was confined to the unconscious, mediating other needs and desires while not serving as a primary faction in itself. [33] Iconography was taken from African sculpture as an artistic device for distinguishing avant-garde art, and a conceptual tool for signifying anarchy and transgression.[34] Black imagery whether drawn from popular carvings or from African carvings, suited the arti sts need for inspiration, difference and subversion.[35] In pre-war Paris, African carvings entered the art market and fuelled the avant-gardes need for new forms of expression. African carvings that reached Paris at the turn of the century were generally and collectively referred to as ‘lart negre or ‘les fetishes.'[36] Europes avant-garde absorbed African imagery into cubism and expressionism, as part of an artists short-hand that stood for the exotic, authentic and spontaneous; sentiments sympathetic with their anarchist status. Expand on his anarchist status For instance even the African forms were not painstakingly represented, the primitive was implicit in depictions of the female nude and the aggressive manner in which the model was sexualized.[37] The French popular Press with mass illustrations such as le journal illustre, lillustration and Le Tour de Monde and the illustrated supplements of the newspapers Le Petit Journal and Le Petit Parisien, played up to fantastical tales, as part of a successful attempt to justify the French conquest. This largely influenced Picassos fantasy of the exotic through its subjugated view of Africa and political fluency. The press followed the war only superficially, concentrating instead on the legendary grotesque practices of the natives. [38] what war? explain Picasso may be seen as more greatly influenced by the French press because he never travelled to Africa, preferring to learn about it from texts and images, whereas Gauguin lived in Africa, immersing himself in the culture and seeing for himself the juxtaposition between fantasy and reality. With primitivism Picasso crossed a geo-political frontier and imported African bodies into Western salons during the peak of colonialism. Picasso may have drawn on the dialogue of postcards whose recurrent subject matter was female nudes[39]. Anne Baldassari drew upon an inventory of Picassos collection of picture postcards, they included postcards of ‘alien people and tribal groups. For example, Picasso possessed albumen prints (used as a photographic device in the early 1900s, it describes negatives exposed to sunlight and printed onto light sensitive albumen paper[40]) (it was the first commercially exploitable method of producing a photographic print-taken from wiki) dating from 1860-80 which included visiting card portraits of Polynesians and a series of postcards from West Africa mainly produced by Daker-based postcard publisher Edmund Frontier.[41] reword A photo-postcard by Edmund Frontier entitled ‘Femme Malinke (Malinke Woman) 1906 appears to directly inspire Picassos ‘Female Nude with Raised Arms 1908. In the images the women appear to situate themselves in an almost identical pose, standing upright with their arms raised above their heads. [42] Picasso uses cubist abstraction to accentuate the features into a more ‘Africanised style, accentuating her womanly curves; the shape of her buttocks and thighs. He also uses strong features that appear inspired by African masks; lozenge shaped eyes and a strong jaw. The postcard evokes a tribal woman, adorned with necklaces (possibly a symbol of her tribe?) ‘Female Nude with Raised Arms saw Picassos African art emerge into a cubist style[43], the feminine body is broken into feminine abstraction, similar to Picassos ‘Three Women 1908. Picassos seemingly primitive endevoursendeavours carried him beyond what many of the public admired about his rose and blue period.[44] Picassos transition from ‘Africanism into cubist proper for which Cezanne seems to be the dominant model.[45] expand Picassos cubism is an abstracting and reorganization classical constraints and a mediated representation of art up until this time.[46] The concepts of pathological distortion or symbolic syntax such as caricature supplies promoted Picasso to undertake a re-ordering and distortion of facial features.[47] The asymmetry of a womanswomans face is not normally part of any of the known mask traditions of Africa. However, the torso of the woman is quite clearly inconceivable without the precedent of non-European mask art.[48] When avant-garde artists such as Picasso began working with African sculptures, they did not make the distinction between curios and genuine ethnographic objects. They were more concerned with what the objects in their paintings would signify rather than their authenticity. [49] Few artists appreciated the African objects; such as masks and statues for their aesthetic beauty and instead were fascinated by their crudeness of expression. Picasso in ‘Female Nude with Raised Arms represents the more grotesque forms of African carvings, rather than depicting her feminine beauty because of their sharp contrast with European art.[50] Through artworks based on evoking a ‘tribal‘ life and art which he saw as violent and degenerate, Picasso is able to implicitly reject colonialism through pointedly revealing ethnic difference.[51] Tribal life was seen as collective or primitive socialism. Everything has become capitalist and liberal Western societies have vanished in the political and cultural milieu of the twentieth century. Therefore, tribal life represented a taboo form, which Picasso was keen to accentuate. Gauguin also drew inspiration from fabled stories and travelers, especially the traveller Moerenhaut. Gauguin read with considerable care the very detailed anthropological and historical accounts provided by Moerenhout, as well as the writings of other travelers.[52] Moerenhaut had clearly benefited from a good, classical French education[53] and found the lure of non-Western culture within the differences in civil law and religion which in turn inspired Gauguin to create such works as ‘There lies a temple (1892) Gauguin wanted to represent the original Tahiti, as it was before colonialism, to do so he had to look in accounts of travelers, those who had been fortunate enough to have seen or heard from the mouths of the elders accounts of travelers stories of ancient times,. But but Gauguin borrowed elements of the book by Moerenhaut to reconstruct a world through the texts he had read, interlinking it with his own experience.[54] Gauguin wrote his own account of his travels, part reality and part myth on which interpretation of a great many of his paintings can be based. In ‘There lies a Temple the composition reveals a conflict between reality and fiction.[55] It shows a composition based on the scene of Tahiti, with abundant vegetation rendered in green, pink-violet and orange which sets the tone; behind it runs a fence, its forms inspired by Asian models, which creates a barrier uninterrupted by openings anywhere. In the centre of the image is the sunrise, in radiant yellow, that dominates the overall composition of the painting. Gauguin, during his time in Tahiti maintained his penchant for complimentary complementary colours and still mostly applied them in an impressionist style. In Tahiti the dazzling light can produce hues that are unusual to the Western audience and therefore appear exotic with tropical intensity.[56] The inspiration for the titleeponymous temple lies in front of a mountain ran ge at the right-hand side of the painting, a monumental stone temple figure, at the foot of which rising smoke emanates. Yet there were no temples left standing in Tahiti, no stone images of gods and no fences marked the boundaries of sacred areas.[57] It is perhaps more inspired by Moerenhauts book in which is described the worship of the moon goddess Hina in the form of a ten-metre high stone statue located on distant Easter Island. Gauguins paintings therefore, like Picassos, may be considered an unauthentic and inaccurate ethnological report which does not benefit future European artists-p.38. Instead it expands on the myth of Africa, not due to Gauguins lack of knowledge, but perhaps to expand on the lure of the exotic and fulfill the expectations of his French audience, representing the world with which outsiders associated him. The religious aspect of the painting seems deliberately falsified, in all letter to his wife he explains the title ‘here lies the temple by sayi ng ‘there lies the temple, a place reserved for the cult of gods, and for human sacrifice (ref in text)[58] All from gs skirt-reword and relate to temple and raised arms painting Gauguins use of exoticism in his work and his preference for difference combined with an almost willful cultural and historical ignorance that was extremely common in 19th century France. [59] The violence and anarchy of an old Tahiti was apparent, but Gauguin preferred to stress the gentleness and compassion of the culture. Gauguin also expressed a willful and historical ignorance of Tahiti, a typical attitude in France at the time; expressing the barbarity of native lore and traditions yet the fundamental humanity of a culture that gave rise to them.[60] Gauguin was determined to develop new themes in keeping with his new surroundings and to adapt some old ones to a new context. [61] The history of the 19th Century French past is conjoined with the South Pacific; their religious beliefs, cultural and sexual? practices. Gs skirt-p.155 The women in Gauguins ‘Ta Matete, ‘The Market are prostitutes, posed like the figures in ancient Egyptian wall painting. The one in yellow at the right holds a cigarette between the fingers of her right hand; two others proudly display health inspection certificates as if they were the painted fans of the French society women. Such behaviour was inconsistent with order, stability, prosperity and the overall French mission civilitrice. -P.155 gs skirt-Anti-govermentalgovernmental sentiment was expressed in more thamthan just verbal form, natives flaunted laws and customs which promoted moral proprierty, physical health and industry. Relate to a painting by Picasso. Both used symbolism to enhance the viewers perceived idea of the debasement and cultural inferiority of another race. Chapter 2-The Desire for a Sexually ‘Exotic Culture Sex codes less rigidly defined-‘what! are you jealous? Concept of identity-the masculine, how Gauguin was seen as feminine. Male dominance, woman as prostitutes- Olympia, poses women posed to accommodate men-comparison of les demoiselles and spirit watching Caricatures of women-represent cultural ignorance? Gauguin and Picasso desire a sexually exotic woman because they are enticed by the schemata of difference and want to project fantasies of white masculinity on to the seemingly base woman. Often ignoring the beauty of women and concentrating on the historical and cultural example of subjectivity. [62]expand They use caricatures and stereotypes of African women in their artwork, Picasso often using features of African masks as inspiration while Gauguin situates his women in a suggestive and sexually enticing manner for the viewer. White male dominance Gauguin and Picasso create a conundrum of oppositions between the passivity of the black female and dominance of the white male conqueror. [63] The ‘primitive creates a paradox: it entices artists in the desire for an exotic nature and yet similataneouslysimultaneously repels them. The fantasy of the exotic woman is pressured to the point where often cracks start to appear and white masculinity prevails[64] crisis of masculinity-continued. P.76 expand 20.p.165. Although Gauguin sought to disparage masculine sexual impulses, in reality the dominating power of the masculine and exaggerated male sexual strength was also naturalised and secretly admired at the same time that it was condemned. Gauguins sympathy for, yet possessiveness over the women in his work sent a threatening message as did the depiction of dread and desire implicit in the female. 20. p.165 Although Gauguins texts such as Noa Noa sought to construct him as ‘savage rather than reveal his true self, he nevertheless exposed in such works culturally formed attitudes towards sexuality, nature and his own desires. Gauguin and Picasso in ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching and ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon shows two different modes of representing woman as prostitutes, living up to mans desires. They mark a divide between the sexes: between men who can continually ask for sexual services and women who have no opportunity to dispute this. reword 22.p.598 These scenes bring up conundrums between European and other, white and black, female and male, pure and perverse and heterosexual and homosexual. (reword, taken from les dem essay) The subjects of Picasso and Gauguins work are often represented in a hazardous sexual directness, which non-western culture tended to avoid. The power of this sexual primitiveness therefore makes it unclear as to whether Picasso and Gauguin intended their masculine viewer to dominate the female figures or for the figures to dominate them. Women were posed to accommodate the viewer. The exotic nature of Picasso and Gauguins work merged with white masculine prejudice to create a threatening image which was at once desirable and yet hazardroushazardous in its sexual directness. Some of their paintings projectsproject the power of female sexuality onto a largely masculine culture. . Griselda Pollock; ‘Tehamanas body is appropriated to signify Gauguins desire as a white man and artist. [65] (put in about lack of acceptance of Gauguins work at the time?) In ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon the second sex puts the male viewer at the advantage yet a moral disadvantage for men who exploit human beings. However, instead of letting her bathe in innocence the picture offers up a guilty thrill at viewing up close the ritual performed well away from the curious and censorious.[66] Similarly in ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching the man is put at an advantage through the cultural debasement of the women as prostitutes, exemplified through the male view of the womens indifference to the males subjectificationobjectification.[67] In a text attributed to Gauguin a Tahitian woman is compared to a cat in her savagery and impulsive vigour.[68] ‘She asks to be raped. She is totally indifferent to any consideration you might have for her. ‘She lives as [if] she will never be wanting and this prevents her from being unduly calculating.'[69] (p.214) It is in the debasement of Tehamana that he finds her the most beautiful. [70] Similarly in à ¢â‚¬ËœSpirit of the Dead Watching the woman is in a pose where she appears to seemingly ask to be raped. This differs from ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon where the women seem sexually powerful in the poses, standing and posed facing the viewer as opposed to Spirit of the Dead watching where the woman is lying down with her back to the viewer. The sexually threatening undercurrents of Les Demoiselles is unlike ‘Spirit of the dead watching who appears fearful despite the sexual directness which Gauguin appropriates as an example of the cultural laxness of the society. Find a ref to back this up. ‘Les Demoiselles dAvignon lends force the power of exotic power through sexual directness. Rubin draws attention to the mesmerizing mesmerising and even terrifying caricatures expand of the masks, it is a transgressive confrontation that projects a trauma, ‘something that transcends our sense of civilized experience, something ominous and monstrous.'[71] ‘While Spirit of the Dead Watching, rather than lending force to the woman as prostitute instead depicts her with a submissive nature. ‘Les Demoiselles assumes the viewer to be male and heterosexual, it tells us what are desires are and marks a divide between the sexes: between men who can routinely contract for sexual services and women who have no opportunity to dispute this.[72] Gauguins ‘The Spirit of the Dead Watching or ‘Manao Tupapau as Gauguin refferedreferred to it, is a tropical version of the Olympia. The title ‘Manao Tupapau means ‘Thought or Belief and the Specter and can have two meanings: either she is thinking of the specter or the specter is thinking of her.[73] In itthe picture, the figure stares with open eyes at the viewer while the ubiquitous figure of the dead keeps watch.[74] The enduring theme of the young, nude Maori girl who has a great fear of the hooded spirit of the dead.[75] p117-gs skirt- Gauguin compares women to animals ‘All indeed wish to be ‘taken, brutally taken, without a single word. All have the secret desire for violence because this act of authority on the part of the male leaves to the woman-will its full share of irresponsibility. (ref citation in book) This appeals to mans desire of the submissive woman, for the dominating conquererconqueror. The woman lies on the bed, naked on her front, seemingly accommodating and enticing the viewer. Gauguin, perhaps to encourage and emphasize his claim that he had found ‘paradise on earth wanted an innate ability to love. [76] ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching, ‘In this position almost anything might make her look indecent, yet it is in this way I want her. [77] The woman represents the image of the prostitute through the flowers strewn in the background of the painting representing a type of ‘exotic and tropical version of Olympia in the mode of prostitute. Gauguin said of this image ‘ my‘my feeling for the decorative sense leads me to strew the background with flowers.'[78] ‘The Spirit of the Dead Watching conveys a new subject; ‘his savage identity to the old world. Foster, Hal, Prosthetic Gods; Primitive Scenes, MIT Press, 2004, p.6 ,like the savage identity represented in Picassos Les Demoiselles d Avignon. In these scenes Picasso and Gauguin challenge our conceptions of identity through the aesthetic and psychological conceptions of art and psyche challenged by colonial encounters. Sometimes these scenes bring up conundrums of Europeans identification with the East, and the conundrum opposition of female and male, ; pure versus and perverse; and heterosexual and homosexual. Taken from essay on les dem! There is no simple notion of a women as ‘pure or ‘peverseperverse as Gauguin and Picasso show women as both pure and perversewith both of these contradictory elements. With Picasso and Gauguins work there is no simple divide between the depiction of African women as pure and virginal, yet simultaneously images ofpotential prostitutionprostitutes. For instance, Gauguin painted his adorned mother in a darkly sensual Tahitian mode even though she was fair and fine, typically considered ‘European characteristics. He also used his mother as the muse for ‘exotic eve Eve (1890) And often presented Tahitian women as Virgin Marys, yet even as he depicts them as pure, he also used them as prostitutes.[79] In ‘Spirit of the Dead Watching it upholds male colonial prerogatives, yet it is equally, a hybrid artwork, which undercuts the paradigm of sexuality upon which European masculinialism, depends. . The posture and anatomy of Tehamana may be seen as boyish, it is possibly an assault on European sexual nudes. Charles Maurice a friend of Gauguins writes that Tehamana is depicted as an ‘androgynous little girl.p.121 sex in Tahiti in gs skirt-rewrite There is an interesting juxtaposition in the discourse between the notion of the ‘femme fatale that Picasso and Gauguin often depict, and yet a ‘womanly vulnerability which reasserts the masculine power of the European conquererconqueror. Gauguin introduced this conflict between womanly power and women as a ‘femme fatale and men as lacking in sexuasexual potency,lly lack and homoerotic.[80] On the theme of inc
The Concept Of Internal Audit Accounting Essay
The Concept Of Internal Audit Accounting Essay Internal auditing, it is not a new term for the world of organization. The concept of internal audit is old like 5000 years, at that time people of civilized communities which were economically and politically stable used this approach to check effectiveness of their taxes and businesses so they can check errors and safe the state property from dishonest taxpayers. In modern world especially in the United States this approach rise after the Second World War and steadily growing. Internal audit has much similarity with financial auditing and a number of theories are derived from management consulting and public accounting. Definition: Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Internal audit is a preventive action of a company and it is done by the professionals or experts of that company. These professionals called internal auditor and they evaluate internal control system of the company. This study or audit report is submitted to management and from this report they can take steps for improvements. In requirement part of ISO 9001:2000 it is found in the monitoring and measurement section which gives idea that it is an activity that measures implementation of quality management system. Scopes and objectives of internal auditing: Objectives: The main objective of an internal audit in the company is to improve quality and reduce risk by evaluating the effectiveness of process. Other than this internal audit is done for checking financial and operating informations reliability, to safe assets from loss, resource management, established process or program me is following its objective and compliance with policies, laws and regulations, identification which area needed improvement, verification of cGMP compliance. Scopes: Internal audits main scope is assuring quality in respected area which is under the audit procedure. Design, approval and evaluation of product should comply with GMP. Ensure quality in GMP implementation, performance of staff, feedbacks. Include documents, instruction and records and covering all parts of GMP. Principles and Requirements of internal audit: As per ISO 9000 standards require maintenance of document evidence for internal audit process. Document evidence must include: who is executing the internal audit, which department is under the audit, describing whole process, supervision after internal audit plan and where the results are documented. These are the some common principles that applied at the time of internal audit implementation. Internal audit is independent and evidence based approach. All activities of internal audit should be reviewed by independent party, have a sampling and tracking line and they are open and constructive. Insure all resources are available before starting audit. Auditor: Auditor is a employee of the company with sufficient experience and background who conduct the internal audit. Though he is an employee of the firm he has to audit his colleagues and their performance and for this he has some abilities that audit results are not affected by his personal relation. For this he has to be ethical, open minded, diplomatic, observer, versatile, persistence, decisive and independent. Patience is needed in auditing and so the auditor must be cool and need to see what the actual situation in the organization. Generally people dont like to be audited and for this he makes lot of effort psychologically to get the real answer and avoid the conflict. In the audit period he has main one objective put the real status of the organization to top management. Internal Audit process: For successful audit it is required effective communication between management and auditor. To obtain effectiveness and in time audit it is necessary that auditor do not go depth in every item and take a quick overview and focus on the parts which do not comply with the company policies. Every audit is unique; the audit process is containing these four stages which are commonly found in every audit: Planning of audit ( review and preliminary phase) Performing an audit ( field work phase) Audit report ( documentation phase) Change implementation ( follow-up phase) 1. Planning of an audit (review and preliminary phase) In the stating of an audit management do a meeting to plan about auditor that who will handle the audit, objectives and scopes of an audit, which area should be cover under the audit, which criteria should be considered, gather information about important processes, prepare paper work and distribution of audit plan. 2. Performing an audit (field work phase) After planning now it is time to implement audit procedure but there is no common way that auditor perform the audit. An auditor should looking what is requirement, which way the process can be improved, gathering and analyzing information and making best conclusion on his effort. Keep in mind that internal audit is not always done for the improvement or find out defects, it also recognize individuals who are putting their outstanding efforts. The following procedure is generally followed in each audit: In starting of audit process the auditor first make a meeting with the head of area which is going to be audited, explaining him scope and objective of this effort and making him relax for the audit. Auditor will study all processes carefully and their outcome, here auditor checking that processes is operating in conformance of companys quality management system. He gathers information by asking open-ended question about process and personal competence. Auditor make notes about data he got during the various point of audit process. Auditor analyzes all the data he found and ask himself that is process running in compliance with companys policy? Or process needs improvement. Before reaching the conclusion he take all the aspects of audit in consideration, is there any failure event appeared, any area needs to be considered improvement? Are there any individuals or departments displayed uncommon behavior? In the end of his fieldwork the auditor, hold the closing meeting with head of the area in presence of plant manager. Explain him positive and negative outcome of his study and corrective actions for that. He tries to resolve any disagreement on his conclusion in this meeting. 3. Audit report (documentation phase) It is most difficult part of the process. An auditor should write brief and clear summery of his finding, which includes both positive and negative outcomes of his study. These positive outcomes may help company for improvement. The data or findings must be truthful, scope and objective oriented, and written in manner that management can easily understand that and can take corrective action from that. Audit report is a official record that should contain: scope, criteria and objective of an audit, Auditors information, time and area where auditing done, outcomes of audit (positive and negative), a closing statement. 4. Change implementation (follow-up phase) During this phase the non compliance is submitted to quality committee. The quality committee studies the report submitted by an Auditor and checking all the non compliances are in fact differ from the companys quality management system. Upon agreement that process or item is none conforming, the quality committee takes action to correct it and gives responsibility for this correction to suitable person with time limit. During correction quality committee observe the process of correction and after change is implemented and process or item working in compliance with companys policy, committee ask the same person for follow up inspection. The Auditor check in same manner as he done before and check the difference in outcome, if it is compliance with quality management system of company than he give the satisfactory report to the management. The whole process is documented that it could be useful for future study. Audit activities Evaluation of an auditor Monitoring and reviewing Identifying correction Preventive action Opportunities for improvement Implementation Scheduling Evaluating Selecting auditor Monitoring audit Planning Scope Objectives Resources Guidelines Start the Audit programme PLAN Improvement actions Act DO CHECK Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of internal auditing Internal controls: Internal control is a major part of an internal auditing and evaluation of internal controls is one of the primaries objectives of internal auditing. In auditing internal controls can be defined as process affected by organizations structure, employee and management information system, authority and work flow, designed to fulfill organizations scope and objectives. These are common objectives for internal control: effective and efficient operations, reliable financial reports, compliance with laws and policies, protecting assets of organization. Internal controls are divided in main two categories preventive controls (designated to prevent errors and irregularities from occurring) and detective controls (designed to find out errors and irregularities after they have occurred). The examples of internal control activities are separation of duties, authorization, proper documentation, control over assets, variance analysis, monitoring operations. A question arise that who take the responsibility for internal controls, its not only a job of internal auditor. Every employee of the organization is responsible for maintenance of internal controls. Internal audit assist management to evaluate and promote internal control system. Risk management: Internal audit play an important role in risk assessment and evaluation of processes which have significant risks. Risk management is process that in which way organizations sets its objectives and then evaluates and analyzes the risks which can produce impact to realize its objective. In regular basis organization applied strategic, marketing or capital planning, budgeting, and hedging to evaluate the risk. Internal audit evaluate all this activities and processes applied by the management to report and monitor potential risk identified. These are some core roles of internal audit in risk management: assuring risk management process, assuring evaluation of risks and evaluation of risk management process, key risks evaluation and reviewing them to the management, assisting management in responding of risks, developing risk management framework and coordinating all activities. Internal audit vs. External audit: External audit: In External audit organization contact person (auditor) outside of the firm who audits organizations financial statement and submit a report to the management. External auditor differs from internal auditor mainly in two ways: (1) internal auditor mainly focuses on risk management and internal control framework, (2) internal auditor do not form an opinion on organizations financial statements. Some similarities also there between internal and external auditor: Both internal and external auditor examines and evaluates many transactions. Both report if the procedures are poor and ignorance in adhering them. They both deeply involved in information system and based on discipline and work with profession standards. Both are concerned for occurrence of errors and they are tied with internal control system of organization. Both give formal report of their activities. factor Internal audit External audit objective
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Emotional Branding :: essays research papers
This article explaining emotional branding was an interesting read. The beginning of the story really grabbed my attention. I have always found it a comfort to realize that even truly intelligent people cannot understand everything and do sometimes have to ask for explanations. Although we have all been told that there is no such thing as a stupid question, except a question that is not asked, it is difficult in the business world to ask for help or an explanation, without feeling inferior, or worrying if your business colleagues will think you are incompetent. The author actually wrote in this article that, â€Å"after years of helping companies build their brands, I’m still baffled by the reality that so many smart business people still don’t understand the power of a brand.†At first I was irritated with this statement and worried that the rest of the article would just be egotistical praise on the author and his vast knowledge. I was glad that he recovered and redeemed himself in the next sentence by stating that, â€Å"it was the first time [he] realized that the one thing that has the most dramatic impact on the success or failure of a modern-day business is also the least understood. I completely agree with the fact that a brand is not a part of a business; it is actually the business. If a company does something to ruin its brand in the eyes of consumers, it has damaged its business and may go bankrupt. It is very important that a company is consistent with its brand. If it is not consistent with its brand, then consumers may find it hard to view that company as trustworthy. This is a rather difficult task, because branding is not something that is typically taught in business school. Trying to find a successful brand is basically trial-and-error, because there is not a definite formula that businesses can use to develop a brand.
Friday, July 19, 2019
William Faulkners A Rose For Emily Essay -- essays research papers
Rather than stating the true meaning of his works, William Faulkner generally uses symbolism to portray the depth of his tales. Throughout the story â€Å"A Rose For Emily,†time is a continuous theme that is portrayed through symbols. The past, present, and future are represented by different people, places, and things. One of which such symbols, the main character herself, represents the essence of the past through her father, her house, and her lover.      Historically, the Grierson name was one of the most respected names in Jefferson. Throughout his lifetime, Mr. Grierson played various roles in the community to further the reputation of his name and to earn his family a great deal of honor.     He also, however, had and air of superiority about him. His attitude toward women, as evident in the treatment of his daughter, reflects his old-fashioned ways and his inability, or his lack of desire, to move on into the future. Throughout Miss Emily’s childhood, her father believed that â€Å"none of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily.†Mr. Grierson did not allow his grown daughter, even at the age of thirty, to make her own decisions. Moreover, he did not feel it was her place to act on her own behalf. Miss Emily willingly accepted her role in the household. The name and the attitudes that Mr. Grierson passed on to his daughter Emily symbolically opposed the change that was going on around them.    ...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
My Personal Theory of Counseling Essay
The important ingredients in counseling are: understanding of theory, process and skill. There are many theories of personality. Moreover, we will notice that within each theory, there are other theorists who slightly differ in their views from those of the exponent of the theory. More often, counseling is based on how the proponent of the theory views personality. Burrhus Skinner’s behavioral approach did not go deep enough while; Sigmund Freud’s theory on personality went too deep. Gordon Allport’s theory of individuality and functional autonomy also lack the foundation I need. My personal theory is more on the source of traits in describing personality, are deeper and more significant. It is however different from the factorial theory of Raymund Cattell. I admire Carl Rogers’ self-actualization; however I believe a person is capable of it only if his brain is structured for self-actualization. Analysis/Discussion I was contemplating to structure my personal theory on counseling on the various theories that we have learned so far; however, I find it illogical to base my theory on another theory of unproven facts. I want a concrete foundation of my theory. Do you suppose inconclusive studies of Frued, Skinner, etc. provide solutions to problems? Definitely not! I have read some articles about Sigmund Feud and I doubted whether he had treated his clients with success. It is my belief that psychotherapy can only help to remove the symptoms and prevent early recurring of these symptoms, however when triggered in the future, the symptoms again manifest. .Professionally, I opted to base my personal theory of counselling on pragmatisms, that is, â€Å"genetics. The conclusion of the study just completed by Dr. David Reiss on adolescent development was a surprise even to the doctor himself. Genetic qualities of a person make him unique and different from other people. It is the brain’s genetic components that determine the personality of a person and since no two persons have exactly the same genes, no two people have exactly the same brain structure. Even identical twins have different personality (â€Å"How does the brain works? †). Identical twins have different fingerprints when they come forth from a single fertilized egg. Personality does not begin during infanthood as theorized by Frued but at conception, that is, fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon, to be exact. Genetics influences proved that relatively, parents have little influence on child development, that genetic is responsible on how children do well in school, how these adjusted individuals turn out, whether they develop delinquent behaviors in their interactions with other people. â€Å"It’s a radical revision of contemporary theories of child development,†says Reiss. â€Å"I can’t even describe what a paradigm shift it is (Paul, A. M. 005). â€Å" This is the reaction of a George Washington University psychiatrist, Dr. David Reiss as described in a recent article in Psychology Today Magazine, after receiving the results of his more than 12 years of study on genetic and personality development (2005). Researches say that the genetic composition of a person brings forth peculiar responses from others, which suc cessively shape his personality. It cannot be denied that a baby or a child with a bright and pleasing disposition attracts other people’s attention and affection, thus creating self-image and importance. Studies proved, children in their interaction with the environment would pick experiences and opportunities that befit their genotype or genetic qualities. They make decisions in his choices in life, like choosing his friends, jobs, etc which determine their personality as they grow older. The children are in control of their own development through the choices they made. The genes lay the foundation of personality; the environment provides the color and refraction, the accent and significance. That is the correlation of â€Å"nature and nurture (2005). †Moreover, where there is conflict between nature and nurture, problems arise. This happens when society does not permit or support the child’s expression of his natural propensities or where the environment is unable to provide enough opportunities to develop his inner potentials as when he was born to a poor family or where the child’s genetically- determined inclination collides with that of the parents. Such conflicts may result in anti-social behavior, diminished motivation and poor mental attitude. The philosophy of genetics is consistent with my view about personality and humanity. The world is a great plan, a program where everything has a purpose, an essence. The seas are what they are, to contain other living things to live. Animals survive by instincts and conditioning, no need to be counseled. A building did not exist without a reason. It was planned and erected for a definite purpose. Man came to existence by essence of choice. We are not totally free to get want we want, to act what we want to do. There is always a choice. We are only free to choose. If we want to fly, we cannot, because we are not programmed to fly. However, we are free to do something about it. However, what we willed is subject to the will of nature and chance. Chances are, our wishes and desires will not be realized. We choose our attitudes towards the things around us and give meaning to our life. We try to understand things in life but our understanding is limited. Being raised in a Christian environment, I find it in accord with my spiritual beliefs as a person, in the sense that before we came to this world, we already existed in the spirit with God. Allow me to quote a Bible verse, in Jeremiah 1:4-5: â€Å"Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, before I formed thee in the belly I knew the; and before thou camest forth of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations (cited in Richards, L. l979). †This may sound unscientific; however there is truth to it. It is true that even inside the womb; the baby has already his own unique personality. Darwin’s theory of evolution until now remains a theory and every theory on personality continues a concept. Structure of Therapy and Choosing Goals In choosing goals, initial assessment is very important because this is where the problems lie and where the outcome of the treatment ultimately depends. The therapist must go deeper into the root cause of the problem. Freud’s structure of personality centers on the id, ego and superego which are interrelated and based his psychoanalytic treatment on this structure. Sigmund Freud missed the foundation of the id, the genes. My structure of counseling will be based on the philosophy of genes, that no people are alike. It shall be dependent on the nature of the client’s personality. What a dilemma! I have to search for the genes that determine personality to go deeper, realization of which is next to impossibility. However, if science is unable to provide the truth about reality, philosophy can do that and spiritual beliefs do the same with the special job of construing the significance of otherworldliness within this structure. Before starting the therapy, I should consider determining the nature of the client. Knowing the client is a very important aspect of counseling. Of course I have to inquire about my client’s childhood, if feasible talk with the mother or the baby-sitter, the father and siblings. Gather all the information about the client from birth to adolescent, his fears, traits, attitudes, beliefs, desires, likes and dislikes. From there, the nurturing of the client must be dealt with also. Collect information about her/his peers, playmates, school, teachers and the environment. More or less, there is now a clearer picture of nature and nurture. After the history-taking session, the source of conflict will now be easy to determine by applying the â€Å"right brain†technique to the client. The â€Å"right brain†refers to the brain systems that fix or adjust the power to interpret, direct and get ahead in the world and also ascertain the quality and security of relationships with others. Right brain counseling centers on emotion and creativity. To bring this emotion and sensations into play, the â€Å"left brain†is used. The therapist must make use of both sides of the brain to optimize counseling. This is an approach to healing with a goal to balance the emotional, physical, moral, social and spiritual nature of a person called holistic and integrative approach. This is addressing a person as a whole in all aspects (Lacombe, S. McGraw, T. 2007). Both the therapist and the client must be comfortable with each other to arrive at a desired goal. The client must be made aware of the facts of life; that not everything we desire is attainable; that our understanding of the world is limited and that there is free will of choice; that we should not regret if we fail in our choice; that everything will pass naturally if there is acceptance. That there is always a chance to do better and the future is still fruitful and bright. That desires can be shifted to other endeavor. Learning produces alterations in gene expression. Genes contribute to behavior; in turn behavior feedbacks action on the brain and modify expression of the genes. â€Å"Thus all of nurture is ultimately expressed as nature (Kandel, E. l998)†However, I still believe that under extreme circumstances, nature predominates. Summary/Conclusion A psychotherapist must formulate his own unique standpoint based on profound precepts of knowledge. In doing so, it is necessary to be cautious about formulating a personal theory. Counselors must come to understand the nature of people and deeply look into their values, attitudes and beliefs about existence and good life. In going about choosing goals, a therapist must key out a substantially mature and functioning individual as a model. My personal theory of counseling is based on pragmatism that genetics provides the foundation of one’s personality, nurtured by his experiences and choices thereby reflecting and defining his personality development. Problems and symptoms arise as the genetic traits or characteristics of a person are in conflicts with his environment, where nature and nurture do not coincide. In learning, expressions of genes are modified thus nurture ultimately is expressed as nature.
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